def find_links(link)
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(link))
link_size = page.css('li')
(0..link_size.length).each do |index|
b = link_size[index]['href'] # You are expecting to get 'href' on list item which is wrong.
return b # You shouldn't return from this block if you are expecting to get all the links. return from here will return from this method itself after first iteration.
# That's why you are getting nil error since link_size[index]['href'] doesn't have href attribute in first list item
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
def find_links(link)
page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(link))
# You want to iterate on anchor tags rather than list.
# See the use of `map`, it will return the array and since this is the last statement it will return from the method, giving all the links.
# .css('li a') will give all the anchor tags which have list item in it's parent chain.
page.css('li a').map { |x| x['href'] }
find_links('http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/you-dont-know-anything-about-regular-expressions-a-complete-guide--net-7869').each do |url|
puts url