I am trying to configure a storage account within the diagnostics settings for an Azure Front Door Service.

I get the following error message

Failed to update diagnostics for 'name_of_front_door_service'
    "message":"Resources should be in the same region. Resource 'resource_front_door_service' is in region 'global' and resource 'resource_storage_account' is in region 'region_of_storage_account'."

Am I missing something...?

Regards, Florian


1 回答 1


Azure Front Door Service 仍处于预览版,诊断设置似乎不通用。Archive to a storage account如果我们使用or ,我可以在我这边重现您的问题Stream to an event hub,两者都会收到错误消息。选择Send to Log Analytics,它工作正常。

有关受支持服务的完整列表以及这些服务使用的日志类别和模式,请参阅本文。我们还可以发现 Azure Front Door 服务不在支持列表中。

于 2018-10-03T07:06:25.817 回答