Earlier my project used to be on Java 8 but now I am using Java 11 along with JavaFX 11 and now JavaFX has been decoupled from Java since Java 11. I haven't download the JavaFX SDK but added below dependency in pom.xml for getting required modules and jar files which were used to be part of Java itself in earlier versions.


But I am getting compilation error can not be resolved to a type on @FXML annotation and FXMLLoader class.

Do I need to add some other/extra dependencies to resolve this issue?


1 回答 1


FXML(注解、FXMLLoader...)在 Java 9 版本@FXML中移至模块中。javafx.fxml

在 JavaFX 11 之前,每当您调用与 JavaFX 相关的东西时,您都可以在 SDK 中使用所有 javafx 模块。



请注意,这javafx.controls取决于javafx.graphicsand java.base,因此您不需要包括那些。并且javafx.fxml直接取决于javafx.base.

于 2018-10-02T07:21:46.147 回答