I am working on an assignment right now and was asked to create an app to select an area on image with ability to magnify a part of the image around cursor.

Right now I stuck on the magnifier part. There is a Magnifier control in WPF, but how about UWP? Has anyone had any experience creating magnifier in UWP?

SO far I've found this, but UWP has different API's: http://csharphelper.com/blog/2015/06/zoom-and-crop-a-picture-in-c/

My logic is: 1. Draw circle around the cursor and re-draw it every time the cursor moves. 2. Take a screenshot (render) specified area around it 3. Magnify the are 4. Fill the circle with the magnified image (Bitmap)

Any tips or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you


1 回答 1

  1. 在光标周围画圈,每次光标移动时重新绘制。

您可以PointerMoved使用以下方法为您的面板(例如 Canvas)注册事件并获取当前指针:

private void Canvas_PointerMoved(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    var pointer = e.GetCurrentPoint(sender as UIElement);

然后,您可以在其上添加 aEllipse并通过当前指针设置其位置。

  1. 截取(渲染)它周围的指定区域

您可以使用RenderTargetBitmap类 API 来渲染特定区域。

  1. 放大范围

您可以调整渲染目标位图的大小。检查此线程如何调整 RenderTargetBitmap 的大小

  1. 用放大的图像填充圆圈(位图)

获得最终的 rendertargetbitmap 后,您可以使用它来制作ImageBrush,然后您可以将此 ImageBrush 指定给 Ellipse 的 Fill 属性,如下所示:

ellipse.Fill = new ImageBrush() { ImageSource = renderTargetBitmap};
于 2018-09-26T02:08:44.570 回答