我需要使用用户名和密码从安全 URL (https) 获取数据。我该如何实现。

我可以使用以下命令从普通 URL 访问数据

li_rc = linet_main.GetURL("http://www.webservicex.net/WeatherForecast.asmx?WSDL", luo_data)



1 回答 1


我发现最简单的方法是通过 OLE 使用 XMLHttp 对象。这是一个从 PB 10.5 导出的函数,它使用它来访问加密的 Google 页面(它在帖子部分是 404,因为他们的页面不接受它们,但结果作为示例是有效的)。

global type f_test_xmlhttps from function_object
end type

forward prototypes
global subroutine f_test_xmlhttps ()
end prototypes

global subroutine f_test_xmlhttps ();//First download and install the latest XMLHttp package
//(this link goes to the one listed in the connectToNewObject call

//XMLHttp object method summary

String ls_get_url, ls_post_url
String ls_post_variables, ls_response
String ls_response_text, ls_status_text
long   ll_status_code
OleObject loo_xmlhttp

//include parameters on the URL here for get parameters
ls_get_url = "https://encrypted.google.com/"

  //Create an instance of our COM object
  loo_xmlhttp = CREATE oleobject

  //First lets do a GET request 
  //All request parameters should be included in the URL
  loo_xmlhttp.open ("GET",ls_get_url, false)

  //Get our response
  ls_status_text = loo_xmlhttp.StatusText
  ll_status_code =  loo_xmlhttp.Status

  //Check HTTP Response code for errors
  if ll_status_code >= 300 then
    MessageBox("HTTP GET Request Failed", ls_response_text)
    //Get the response we received from the web server
    ls_response_text = loo_xmlhttp.ResponseText

    MessageBox("GET Request Succeeded", ls_response_text)
  end if

  //Lets do a POST now, We would pass a String
  //in the send() call that contains the post data in the 
  //format name1=value1&name2=value2&...
  ls_post_url = "https://encrypted.google.com/"
  ls_post_variables = ""

  loo_xmlhttp.open ("POST",ls_post_url, false)

  //Get our response
  ls_status_text = loo_xmlhttp.StatusText
  ll_status_code =  loo_xmlhttp.Status

  //Check HTTP Response code for errors
  if ll_status_code >= 300 then
    MessageBox("HTTP POST Request Failed", ls_response_text)
    //Get the response we received from the web server
    ls_response_text = loo_xmlhttp.ResponseText

    MessageBox("POST Request Succeeded", ls_response_text)
  end if

  //Done so cleanup

catch (RuntimeError rte)

  MessageBox("Error", "RuntimeError - " + rte.getMessage())

end try

end subroutine

将其另存为 f_test_xmlhttps.srf 并导入 PowerBuilder 中的 pbl。这也适用于 HTTP。

于 2011-03-09T23:06:18.447 回答