BigList = {'dog' 'cat' 'mouse' 'horse' 'rat'}'
SmallList = BigList( 1 : end-2 )
Nrows = 20;
% Create tables for innerjoin using strings
tBig = table( ...
(1:Nrows)' , ...
BigList( ceil( length(BigList) * rand( Nrows , 1 ) ) ) , ...
'VariableNames' , {'B_ID' 'Animal'} )
tSmall = table( ...
(1:Nrows)' , ...
SmallList( ceil( length(SmallList) * rand( Nrows , 1 ) ) ) , ...
'VariableNames' , {'S_ID' 'Animal'} )
tBigSmall = innerjoin( tBig , tSmall , 'Keys','Animal' );
tBig = sortrows( tBig , {'Animal','B_ID'} );
tSmall = sortrows( tSmall, {'Animal','S_ID'} );
tBigSmall = sortrows( tBigSmall, {'Animal' 'B_ID' 'S_ID'} );
% Now innerjoin the same tables using categorized strings
tcBig = tBig;
tcBig.cAnimal = categorical( tcBig.Animal );
tcBig.Animal = [];
tcSmall = tSmall;
tcSmall.cAnimal = categorical( tcSmall.Animal );
tcSmall.Animal = [];
tcBigSmall = innerjoin( tcBig , tcSmall , 'Keys','cAnimal' );
tcBig = sortrows( tcBig , {'cAnimal','B_ID'} );
tcSmall = sortrows( tcSmall, {'cAnimal','S_ID'} );
tcBigSmall = sortrows( tcBigSmall, {'cAnimal' 'B_ID' 'S_ID'} );
% Check if the join results are the same
if all( tBigSmall.Animal == tcBigSmall.cAnimal )
disp('categorical vs string key: inner joins MATCH.')
disp('categorical vs string key: inner joins DO NOT MATCH.')
end % if