I am using chronos 3.0.3. When I deploy jobs, it starts running all the jobs instantly on mesos slaves. I want chronos to run only on jobs' scheduled times and not instantly.

How can I configure to prevent running jobs instantly ? If someone can provide any pointer as in where in the chronos code, it is scheduling to run immediately, that will also be a great help.

I have defined epsilon of just 30 minutes in all the jobs, but it does not help; and run all the jobs.

These are all scheduled jobs and not dependent jobs.


1 回答 1


schedulejson 作业定义中的字段设置为在您想运行时运行。格式为ISO 8601。例如:

"schedule": "R/2018-09-13T02:00:00.000Z/PT24H",
  • R:意味着永远重复
  • 2018-09-13:您想开始运行的日期
  • 02:00:00.000Z:你想运行你的工作的时间
  • PT24H:每 24 小时运行一次。


更新计划字段以说在 2 天内运行对我有用:



于 2018-09-17T23:55:00.057 回答