对于 .cell(2,2) 的两种用途,您需要两种不同的方法。
.Document.body.InnerHTML = ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(2, 2).range.text
ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Cell(2, 2).range.paste
您可以很容易地获得有关单个关键字/属性的帮助。在 VBA IDE 中,只需将光标放在关键字/属性上,然后按 F1。您将被带到关键字/属性的 MS 帮助页面。有时,当有多个备选方案时,您会有额外的选择步骤。
您还应该知道属性 .cell(row,column) 很容易失败,因为它依赖于它们在表中没有合并的单元格。更强大的方法是使用 .cells(index) 属性。
下面是删除 HTML 标记并格式化剩余文本的此类代码示例
Option Explicit
Sub replaceHTML_WithFormattedText()
' a comma seperated list of HTML tags
Const myTagsList As String = "strong,small,b,i,em"
' a list of linked styles chosen or designed for each tag
' Paragraph styles cannot be used as we are replacing only part of a paragraph
' Character styles just don't seem to work
' The linked styles below were just chosen from the default Word styles as an example
Const myStylesList As String = "Heading 1,Heading 9,Comment Subject,Intense Quote,Message Header"
' <, > and / are special characters therefore need escaping with '\' to get the actual character
Const myFindTag As String = "(\<Tag\>)(*)(\<\/Tag\>)"
Const myReplaceStr As String = "\2"
Dim myTagsHTML() As String
Dim myTagsStyles() As String
Dim myIndex As Long
myTagsHTML = Split(myTagsList, ",")
myTagsStyles = Split(myStylesList, ",")
If UBound(myTagsHTML) <> UBound(myTagsStyles) Then
MsgBox "Different number of tags and Styles", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
For myIndex = 0 To UBound(myTagsHTML)
With ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdMainTextStory).Find
.Format = True
.Text = Replace(myFindTag, "Tag", Trim(myTagsHTML(myIndex)))
.MatchWildcards = True
.Replacement.Text = myReplaceStr
.Replacement.Style = myTagsStyles(myIndex)
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub