Using the Data Explorer (SEDE), I would like to find which users have more than 200000 reputation on Stack Overflow, and then find details for any accounts they have on other Stack Exchange sites.
Here is the query which provides the list with this threshold:
Select id, reputation, accountid
From users
Where reputation > 200000
is the key for all Stack Exchange sites.
I have found this query for aggregating across SEDE databases, but how is it possible to do that based on the dynamic results of the previous/baseline query?
Here is the kind of output I'm aiming for:
id_so, reputation_so, accounted, other_stackexchange_site_name, reputation_othersite, number_of_answers_other_site, number_of_questions_other_site
1, 250000, 23, serverfault, 500, 5, 1
1, 250000, 23, superuser, 120, 1, 0
2, 300000, 21, serverfault, 300, 3, 2
2, 300000, 21, webmasters, 230, 1, 1
3, 350000, 20, NA, NA, NA, NA
#the case with id 3 has an SO profile with reputation but it has no other profile in other Stack Exchange site