我是 Elmish.Xamarin 和 Xamarin 本身的新手。我正在尝试使用这个计算器示例构建一个应用程序。主要区别在于,在此示例中,UI 会根据用户输入进行更新,并且update
let update msg model =
match msg with
| Clear -> Initial
| Digit digit ->
match model with
| Initial | Error | Result _ -> Operand (double digit)
| Operand op -> Operand (double (string op + string digit))
| OperandOperator (operand, operator) -> OperandOperatorOperand (operand, operator, double digit)
| OperandOperatorOperand (op1, operator, op2) -> OperandOperatorOperand (op1, operator, double (string op2 + string digit))
| Operator operator ->
match model with
| Initial | Error -> model
| Result operand // previously calculated result is now the first operand
| Operand operand | OperandOperator (operand, _) -> OperandOperator(operand, operator)
| OperandOperatorOperand _ -> calculate model msg
| Equals -> calculate model msg
我需要一个不同的场景:用户的输入不会直接影响 UI,而是存储用户的消息并按计划评估下一个状态,所以在我的应用程序的核心中,我传递了updateUI: gameState -> unit
let gameAgentFn (mailboxNetwork: MailboxNetwork) updateUi gameState cmd =
let timerAgent = timerAgent mailboxNetwork
match gameState.gameFrame with
| Frame field ->
let gameState = Game.updateGameState gameState cmd
timerAgent.Post Next
updateUi gameState