I'm trying to implement the functionality, where users need to sign documents within the application process instead of sending a document to user for eSignature.
I used Adobe Sign API(using trail account) to achieve this and was able to create a widget and get the embedded code to display the document in the HTML page successfully.
But, while creating the widget I wanted to prefill the form fields and set field as read-only(first_name, address etc) in the document. I'm not able to access/customize form filed.
steps, I followed to achieve this.
- Create transientDocument using Form(4506_T).
POST - /transientDocuments
- Create a widget using transientDocumentId.
POST - /widgets
- Get embeddedCode in the widget views call response.
POST /widgets/{widgetId}/views
But there is something called mergeFieldInfo in create widget model in (API- v5). It'll help to set a default value but there is no attribute to set field as read-only.
I have searched about this in Adobe forums but cannot find the solution.
*API version I have tried- V6