我想维护一个我已经分叉的孩子的 pidlist 数组,然后在它们退出时将它们删除(以限制我在任何给定时间有多少个分叉进程)。我想我可能很聪明,可以通过在删除或拼接中使用@main::pid_list 来做到这一点,但没有乐趣。我可以成功弹出一个元素,但显然它不会删除正确的 pid。有什么想法如何处理这个问题,或者我会以完全不同的方式更好地做到这一点?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use Data::Dumper;
# Only allow 5 processes running at a time
sub REAPER {
my $child = shift;
while (($child = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) {
# Need to remove child from pidlist here
#pop(@main::pid_list); #This works
#delete($main::pid_list[$child]); #This does not
@pid_list = ();
@files = (1 .. 20);
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $processed = 'false';
while ($processed eq 'false') {
print "Working on file: $file\n";
if (scalar(@pid_list) < 5) {
$pid = fork();
if ( $pid == 0 ) {
print "$$: Child Processing file #" . $file . "\n";
print "$$: Child done processing file #" . $file . "\n";
push(@pid_list, $pid);
print Dumper(@pid_list);
$processed = 'true';
# Since we are at the end we need to wait for the last process to end
print "PID: $$ End of parent program\n";
exit 0;