我正在使用 autohotkey 进行 mysql 调用。mysql 接口是通过将一个visual basic api 引用到mysql 来破译的。

我正在使用这篇文章中引用的 mysql 连接调用:http ://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12482

我想添加一个 dllcall 来将此 perl 调用复制到 mysql_options...

mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &true);

据我了解,此调用将使我的程序能够在标准的 8 小时 mysql 超时后优雅地重新连接到 mysql。我希望我的申请可以无限期保留。

这是我的代码。谷歌源代码库上的参考表明重新连接常量是 20。除了 mysql_opt_reconnect 调用之外,一切正常。

任何人都可以帮我确定对 libmysql.dll 的正确调用,以在 mysql 超时后让我的应用程序自动重新连接吗?

; mysql.ahk
;   Provides a set of functions to connect and query a mysql database

FileInstall, libmysql.dll, %A_AppData%\libmysql.dll, 1

; Connect to mysql database and return db handle
; host = DTWRO-WS0061   
; user = alan
; password = *******
; database = rush


   if (A_IsCompiled) {
      ExternDir := A_AppData
   } else {
      ExternDir := A_WorkingDir

   hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", ExternDir "\libmySQL.dll")

   If (hModule = 0)
      MsgBox 16, MySQL Error 233, Can't load libmySQL.dll from directory %ExternDir%

   db := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_init", "UInt", 0)

   If (db = 0)
      MsgBox 16, MySQL Error 445, Not enough memory to connect to MySQL

    ; figure out how to turn on reconnect call!
    ; mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &true);
    value := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_options"
             , "UInt", db
             , "UInt", 20    ; is this the correct constant which represents MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT?... see below
             , "UInt", 1)   ; true

   connection := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_real_connect"
         , "UInt", db
         , "Str", host       ; host name
         , "Str", user       ; user name
         , "Str", password   ; password
         , "Str", database   ; database name
         , "UInt", 3306   ; port
         , "UInt", 0   ; unix_socket
         , "UInt", 0)   ; client_flag

   If (connection = 0)
      HandleMySQLError(db, "Cannot connect to database")

   serverVersion := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_get_server_info", "UInt", db, "Str")

   ;MsgBox % "Ping database: " . DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_ping", "UInt", db) . "`nServer version: " . serverVersion

   return db


; mysql error handling

HandleMySQLError(db, message, query="") {        ; the equal sign means optional
   errorCode := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_errno", "UInt", db)
   errorStr := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_error", "UInt", db, "Str")
   MsgBox 16, MySQL Error: %message%, Error %errorCode%: %errorStr%`n`n%query%

; mysql get address

GetUIntAtAddress(_addr, _offset)
   local addr

   addr := _addr + _offset * 4

   Return *addr + (*(addr + 1) << 8) +  (*(addr + 2) << 16) + (*(addr + 3) << 24)

; process query

dbQuery(_db, _query)
    local resultString, result, requestResult, fieldCount
    local row, lengths, length, fieldPointer, field

    query4error := RegExReplace(_query , "\t", "   ")    ; convert tabs to spaces so error message formatting is legible
    result := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_query", "UInt", _db , "Str", _query)

    If (result != 0) {
        errorMsg = %_query%
        HandleMySQLError(_db, "dbQuery Fail", query4error)

    requestResult := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_store_result", "UInt", _db)

    if (requestResult = 0) {    ; call must have been an insert or delete ... a select would return results to pass back

    fieldCount := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_num_fields", "UInt", requestResult)

        row := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_fetch_row", "UInt", requestResult)
        If (row = 0 || row == "")

        ; Get a pointer on a table of lengths (unsigned long)
        lengths := DllCall("libmySQL.dll\mysql_fetch_lengths" , "UInt", requestResult)

        Loop %fieldCount%
            length := GetUIntAtAddress(lengths, A_Index - 1)
            fieldPointer := GetUIntAtAddress(row, A_Index - 1)
            VarSetCapacity(field, length)
            DllCall("lstrcpy", "Str", field, "UInt", fieldPointer)
            resultString := resultString . field
            If (A_Index < fieldCount)
                resultString := resultString . "|"     ; seperator for fields

        resultString := resultString . "`n"          ; seperator for records 


    ; remove last newline from resultString
    resultString := RegExReplace(resultString , "`n$", "")    

    Return resultString

2 回答 2



我只是添加了一个 settimer 命令在 8 小时后重新连接到 mysql 数据库。8 小时是默认的数据库连接超时。

现在 AHK 应用程序可以无限期地保持运行,并且始终连接到数据库!

于 2011-05-10T13:51:18.683 回答


于 2012-05-04T20:32:17.250 回答