我不认为有一个通用的答案......所以我只会给你我的 2 美分关于你的变种......
但您宁愿在 DTO 上操作时。
变体 3 和 4 在这方面与 2 相似......A
即使它仅具有 DTO 的所有属性,您也可以使用它。
所以...如果您想走安全的路线,即没有人应该将此对象用于其他任何事情,那么您可能应该使用第一个变体来实现其特定目的。4 听起来很像一个黑客。2 & 3 应该没问题。mandatoryProperty
3 因为当你将它用作 DTO 时,你实际上没有......
尽管如此,正如你有你最喜欢的 (2) 而我也有一个,我将专注于 2 和 3,从 2 开始,使用带有sealed class
as 超类型的子类方法:
sealed class AbstractA {
// just some properties for demo purposes
lateinit var sharedResettable: String
abstract val sharedReadonly: String
data class A(
val mandatoryProperty: Long = 0,
override val sharedReadonly: String
// we deliberately do not override the sharedResettable here... also for demo purposes only
) : AbstractA()
data class ADTO(
// this has no mandatoryProperty
override val sharedReadonly: String
) : AbstractA()
// just some random setup:
val a = A(123, "from backend").apply { sharedResettable = "i am from backend" }
val dto = ADTO("from dto").apply { sharedResettable = "i am dto" }
listOf(a, dto).forEach { anA ->
// somewhere receiving an A... we do not know what it is exactly... it's just an AbstractA
val param: AbstractA = anA
println("Starting with: $param sharedResettable=${param.sharedResettable}")
// set something on it... we do not mind yet, what it is exactly...
param.sharedResettable = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
// now we want to store it... but wait... did we have an A here? or a newly created DTO?
// lets check: (demo purpose again)
when (param) {
is ADTO -> store(param) // which now returns an A
is A -> update(param) // maybe updated also our A so a current A is returned
}.also { certainlyA ->
println("After saving/updating: $certainlyA sharedResettable=${certainlyA.sharedResettable /* this was deliberately not part of the data class toString() */}")
// assume the following signature for store & update:
fun <T> update(param : T) : T
fun store(a : AbstractA) : A
Starting with: A(mandatoryProperty=123, sharedReadonly=from backend) sharedResettable=i am from backend
After saving/updating: A(mandatoryProperty=123, sharedReadonly=from backend) sharedResettable=ef7a3dc0-a4ac-47f0-8a73-0ca0ef5069fa
Starting with: ADTO(sharedReadonly=from dto) sharedResettable=i am dto
After saving/updating: A(mandatoryProperty=127, sharedReadonly=from dto) sharedResettable=57b8b3a7-fe03-4b16-9ec7-742f292b5786
反之亦然?我会把它留给你。这里有几种方法(手动,使用反射或映射实用程序等)。此变体将所有特定于 DTO 的属性与非特定于 DTO 的属性完全分开。然而,它也会导致冗余代码(所有的override
像 3 这样的东西可能更容易设置和维护(关于它data class
本身 ;-)),如果你正确地设置了边界,它甚至可能很清楚,什么时候有一个null
or null
data class B(
val sharedOnly : String,
var sharedResettable : String
) {
// why nullable? Let it hurt ;-)
lateinit var mandatoryProperty: ID // ok... Long is not usable with lateinit... that's why there is this ID instead
data class ID(val id : Long)
val b = B("backend", "resettable")
// println(newB.mandatoryProperty) // uh oh... this hurts now... UninitializedPropertyAccessException on the way
val newB = store(b)
println(newB.mandatoryProperty) // that's now fine...
它在 中不可见,toString
data class C(val mandatoryProperty: Long?,
val sharedOnly : String,
var sharedResettable : String) {
// this is our DTO constructor:
constructor(sharedOnly: String, sharedResettable: String) : this(null, sharedOnly, sharedResettable)
fun hasID() = mandatoryProperty != null // or isDTO, etc. what you like/need
// note: you could extract the val and the method also in its own interface... then you would use an override on the mandatoryProperty above instead
// here is what such an interface may look like:
interface HasID {
val mandatoryProperty: Long?
fun hasID() = mandatoryProperty != null // or isDTO, etc. what you like/need
val c = C("dto", "resettable") // C(mandatoryProperty=null, sharedOnly=dto, sharedResettable=resettable)
when {
c.hasID() -> update(c)
else -> store(c)
}.also {newC ->
// from now on you should know that you are actually dealing with an object that has everything in place...
println("$newC") // prints: C(mandatoryProperty=123, sharedOnly=dto, sharedResettable=resettable)
再次使用 - 方法,例如:
val myNewObj = c.copy(mandatoryProperty = 123) // well, you probably don't do that yourself...
// but the following might rather be a valid case:
val myNewDTO = c.copy(mandatoryProperty = null)
最后一个是我最喜欢的,因为它需要最少的代码并使用 aval
or ,您也可以只添加一个访问器!!
fun getMandatoryProperty() = mandatoryProperty ?: throw Exception("You didn't set it!")