data blocks I cant seem to be able to read
I'm only quite new to python and modbus and I have been struggling to work out how to read the MSBytes and LSBytes of this controller using both pymodbus and minimalmodbus for a week or two now so hopefully someone in the brains trust here might be able to poke me in the right direction.
This particular controller has 3 digital/coil registers (2 register addresses are read only with 8 MSBytes and 8 LSBytes and one register 1536 as pictured above which has read and write 8 MSbytes and 8 LSBytes) However I'm confused because I can't seem to be able to work out how to read them correctly.
I only seem to get errors when I try to read them with a read_coil/bits only function but read_register and read_registers functions returns a single boolean result of 0 or 1 with a count of 1 register.
Using minimalmodbus
returns: 0
instrument.read_registers(1536, 1)
returns: [0]
returns: error
UPDATE 12-09-2018:
Reading register when control is Off/standby.
In: client.read_register(1536, 0, 3, False)
Out: 1
Reading register when control is On.
In: client.read_register(1536, 0, 3, False)
Out: 0
Reading register when control is in defrost.
In: client.read_register(1536, 0, 3, False)
Out: 4
Response from trying to write to registers:
The control documentation says to use functioncode 6 to write changes to registers however it seems to take the new value without error but doesn't update or change the controller register.
If I use functioncode 6
In: client.write_register(1536, 1, 0, 6, False)
(no error or output, and register value doesn't change)
If I use functioncode 16 as suggested it leaves the following error.
In: client.write_register(1536, 1, 0, 16, False)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-66ccb391e76c> in <module>()
----> 1 client.write_register(1536, 1, 0, 16, False)
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ in write_register(self, registeraddress, value, numberOfDecimals, functioncode, signed)
294 _checkNumerical(value, description='input value')
--> 296 self._genericCommand(functioncode, registeraddress, value, numberOfDecimals, signed=signed)
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ in _genericCommand(self, functioncode, registeraddress, value, numberOfDecimals, numberOfRegisters, signed, payloadformat)
696 ## Communicate ##
--> 697 payloadFromSlave = self._performCommand(functioncode, payloadToSlave)
699 ## Check the contents in the response payload ##
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ in _performCommand(self, functioncode, payloadToSlave)
797 # Extract payload
--> 798 payloadFromSlave = _extractPayload(response, self.address, self.mode, functioncode)
799 return payloadFromSlave
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ in _extractPayload(response, slaveaddress, mode, functioncode)
1087 if receivedFunctioncode == _setBitOn(functioncode, BITNUMBER_FUNCTIONCODE_ERRORINDICATION):
-> 1088 raise ValueError('The slave is indicating an error. The response is: {!r}'.format(response))
1090 elif receivedFunctioncode != functioncode:
ValueError: The slave is indicating an error. The response is: '\x02\x90\x01}À'`