跟踪 bulletContainer 的结果是正确的,因为它告诉我电影剪辑正在添加到舞台;我只知道这归结为某种我忘记的逻辑。
更新* 这段代码中的所有内容都可以正常工作,除了我之前说过的一些代码似乎是重复的,因为我采用了不同的方法。
public class bulletGod extends MovieClip{
//Register Variables
var globalPath = ""
var newBullet:bulletClass = new bulletClass();
var loadingBulletInProgress:Number = 0;
var shootingWeapon:Number = 0;
var fireBulletsInterval = setInterval(fireBullets, 1);
var bulletFireEvent;
var bulletArray:Array = new Array();
var bulletType:Array = new Array();
var bulletContainer:Array = new Array();
var netBulletRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(globalPath+"bullets.php");
var netBulletVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var netBulletLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
//~Bullet Image Loader
var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
public function bulletGod() {
//Load every bullet for every gun
//Compile data to be requested
netBulletVariables.act = "loadBullets"
netBulletRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST
netBulletRequest.data = netBulletVariables;
netBulletLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
netBulletLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, getBulletImages);
private function getBulletImages(bulletImageData:Event){
//Request every bullet URL image
//Set vars
var bulletData = bulletImageData.target.data;
//Load images
for(var i:Number = 0; i < bulletData.numBullets; i++){
//All the arrays have been set start firing the image loader/replacer
var imageLoaderInterval = setInterval(imageReplacer, 10);
private function imageReplacer(){
//Check to see which image needs replacing
//Begin loading the next image
//Search for the next "String" in the bulletType:Array, and replace it with an image
for(var i:Number = 0; i < bulletType.length; i++){
if(getQualifiedClassName(bulletType[i]) == "String"){
//Load this image
mRequest = new URLRequest(globalPath+"ammo/"+bulletType[i]);
mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadImage);
//Stop imageReplacer() while we load image
loadingBulletInProgress = 1;
//Stop this for() loop while we load image
i = 999;
private function loadImage(BlackHole:Event){
//Image has loaded; find which array slot it needs to go into
for(var i:Number = 0; i <= bulletType.length; i++){
if(getQualifiedClassName(bulletType[i]) == "String"){
//We found which array type it belongs to; now replace the text/url location with the actual image data
var tmpNewBullet:MovieClip = new MovieClip;
//Add image to array
bulletType[i] = tmpNewBullet;
//Restart loadingBullets if there are more left
loadingBulletInProgress = 0;
//Stop for() loop
i = 999;
private function fireBullets(){
//If player is holding down mouse; Fire weapon at rate of fire.
if(shootingWeapon >= 1){
if(bulletFireEvent == null){
//Start shooting bullets
bulletFireEvent = setInterval(allowShooting, 500);
if(shootingWeapon == 0){
//The user is not shooting so stop all bullets from firing
if(bulletFireEvent != null){
//Strop firing bullets
bulletFireEvent = null
private function allowShooting(){
//This function actually adds the bullets on screen
//Search for correct bullet/ammo image to attach
var bulletId:Number = 0;
for(var i:Number = 0; i < bulletArray.length; i++){
if(bulletArray[i] == shootingWeapon){
//Bullet found
bulletId = i;
//End For() loop
i = 999;
//Create new bullet
//Create Tmp Bullet
var tmpBulletId:MovieClip = new MovieClip
//Add To Stage
bulletContainer.push(tmpBulletId); //Add to array of bullets
//Orientate this bullet from players body
var bulletTmpId:Number = bulletContainer.length
bulletContainer[bulletTmpId].x = Object(root).localSurvivor.x
bulletContainer[bulletTmpId].y = Object(root).localSurvivor.y
//_______________EXTERNAL EVENTS_______________________
public function fireBullet(weaponId:Number){
shootingWeapon = weaponId;
public function stopFireBullets(){
shootingWeapon = 0;
package com{
import flash.display.*
import flash.utils.*
import flash.net.*
import flash.events.*
public class bulletClass extends MovieClip {
public var damage:Number = 0;
public function bulletClass() {
public function addAvatar(Obj:MovieClip){