I have prepared my .editorconfig file which I want to use on multiple Git repositories. Each repository holds a Visual Studio solution (C#). My first thought was to put the .editorconfig file in its own repository and then include it in all "solution repositories" as submodule. The problem however: The submodule will be in a subfolder. The contained .editorconfig will thus not be applied to the whole project/solution (but only to the subfolder and its children). It seems to me that I cannot specify a path to my solution-wide .editorconfig in the solution configuration file (.sln), either.

What is the best approach to actually share a single .editorconfig file between multiple Git repositories? The .editorconfig file still needs to be version controlled (and thus shared between users), ie. no local editorconfig configuration.


1 回答 1




mklink .editorconfig .\Global\.editorconfig

可以像任何其他文件一样提交和推送此链接。Gitea(我用作服务器)甚至显示一个小箭头作为文件符号的叠加层。显然它知道它只是一个符号链接。当我在 Windows 机器上克隆此存储库时,符号链接按预期工作。也许它甚至适用于 *nix 系统;不过我没有尝试。

我撤回了这个解决方案:VS2017 (15.8.2) 不会立即接受更改。必须关闭并重新打开解决方案。如果您使用的是真实.editorconfig文件,则从 15.8 Preview 3 开始会立即检测到更改

编辑:我们决定不提交到 Git 的符号链接,因为它曾经被 Gitea 搞砸了(可能是一个错误)并且因为我们有非 Windows 开发系统。相反,我们的项目文件中有一个“后克隆脚本”和一个条件错误<Error Condition="!Exists('$(SolutionDir).editorconfig')" Text=".editorconfig is missing. Please run $(SolutionDir)_post_clone_script.bat first." />

于 2018-09-05T15:57:36.087 回答