当然,每个人都希望减少启动时间和超级 faaaaaast 处理器,还有什么?我个人真的很想有人类语言识别。
当然,每个人都希望减少启动时间和超级 faaaaaast 处理器,还有什么?我个人真的很想有人类语言识别。
True security.
I want to be able to run any program I download off the Internet and not have to worry about it being a virus. I want an operating system that has defined security so well that there doesn't need to be anti-virus or firewalls anymore.
Sandboxing is the key, but also fine level security. For example by default, a program should only receive keyboard or mouse input when it is in focus. A program, should never be able to change its own window state. A program cannot write or read from disk until told so by the user. A program cannot take a screen shot of your desktop. A program has no network access. A program has no hardware access. A program has limited memory and CPU usage.
Secure computing by default
Whenever you run or install anything, it should never "hook" into the OS. It should never replace a core function of the OS, this includes drivers.
The user should be able to control the OS at all times, and the OS in turn should be able to control all programs at all times. This way when a program fails, it doesn't crash the entire computer. The OS should never say "well, the program used our API improperly, therefore all we could do is crash".
I'd like to have a computer be able to read my current cognitive state wirelessly and predict in a non-deterministic way what I need in order to achieve the state of Nirvana and then deliver that experience instanteously.
(This is a bit geeky and has been played out in various films from Wall*E and Vanilla Sky to the Matrix and eXistenZ in varying degrees)
Collab work. Share a window and work on it. Open a Word doc directly from the cloud and save it there in one step. Drag n drop a window from your computer to your coworker's computer. The window continue to run on your computer, but is shown on your coworker or both worker's computer.
Multiplelogin: the taskbar is organised by username and program/browsers are under it. Some usernames for work, some usernames for home. That way I could have two gmail open with two logins. Same for local apps.
“后端”和“前端”之间更紧密的联系。例如,操作系统级别的宏允许我记录与任何应用程序的任何交互(与“所有内容的键盘命令”注释相关)。如果宏实际上只是对应用程序 API 的脚本语言调用,那就更好了。
我的 #1 缺少的操作系统功能是一个 2 部分的打击:
1) 分层任务管理器:不是管理运行中的应用程序的一长串 1 级列表,而是让我能够将多个应用程序嵌套到我自己定义的“应用程序组”中并在它们之间切换。我知道这可以通过虚拟桌面来完成,但没有一个做得对。我不需要完全独占的桌面“空间”,我只想要将正在运行的应用程序/文档/浏览器组织到定义的组中的能力。
2) 冻结/保持单个应用程序(或应用程序组)的整个状态并在以后恢复它们的能力。为什么每次重新启动时都必须关闭我需要的 15 个不同的正在运行的应用程序,然后又不得不浪费时间重新启动它们?为什么每次我想玩游戏或切换到完全不同的工作模式时,我必须关闭所有与我的“网络开发”工作模式相关的应用程序。
I would like an operating system without the bloat. Windows XP ships with tons of bloat by default... I went from about a 50-60s boot time to a 20-30s, after getting rid of all the stuff I don't need that is enabled by default(this is without using something like nLite too). Not to mention my laptop actually runs super zippy now, and actually makes games playable that previously wouldn't even run. I was super surprised that spore and doom3 were playable..
Linux is no better at this either, I have a default Ubuntu install with dual-booting and it takes about a minute. I don't do too many "demanding" tasks with Linux but the boot time shows that their are many services and things running that are simply unnecessary.
If the "killer-apps" ran on dos or win98 I'd switch back in a minute.
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