Unsure where to ask as I'm not 100% sure if this is a bug or intended or if I'm just missing something, but I'm currently writing some documentation (using VuePress) for a platform that uses handlebars.
I've found if I put handlebars markup within a inline code block, for example:
This can be very useful as an alternative to using the regular partial `{{> @name }}` helper to import sub-components.
with this I get the error:
invalid expression: Unexpected token > in
_s(> @name)
Raw expression: {{> @name }}
However, if i just simply do something like:
Here is an example `{{ name }}`
I get no errors, however, whatever is inside the {{ }} doesn't render on the front-end
Am I missing something or is there a suggested method of getting around this?
Thanks in advance
Note: This only happens in inline code examples, it works fine in full code blocks using the standard triple backtick approach