I am trying to raise a support ticket with IBM Cloud Support in regards to the Watson Assistant. I can create tickets with no issue, however, I am unable to view the support ticket from the console and therefore, can't communicate with the support team... When I click to view my support tickets, I am redirected to the regular dashboard.

How can I get in contact with support for IBM Cloud?


2 回答 2


IBM Cloud 文档中描述了获取支持和查看支持票证的过程。文档还包含有关如何联系支持团队的信息,例如升级票证。该信息包括电话号码和聊天选项的链接。

于 2018-09-03T13:45:47.783 回答

Watson Assistant 在 IBM 的平台即服务下,也可以从这里生成票证。

  • 创建 PaaS 票证:https ://console.bluemix.net/unifiedsupport/tickets/add

  • 于 2018-09-14T13:26:30.783 回答