Team -

From the documentation provided it is clear that if you are using a webhook handler, in success scenarios you need to return 200 OK. But if I am not wrong the collection of events is posted to the webhook and not a single event - so are we saying 200 OK is to be returned inside for loop instead of outside? I mean what happens if out of 3 events received 1 fails and 2 passes?


1 回答 1


目前 (api-version=2018-05-01-preview) 订阅者在 DeliverySchema 的数组 (JArray) 中仅收到一个事件,例如EventGridSchemaInputEventSchema。请注意,该数组用于将来可能的选项,用于将一批事件传递给订阅者。

另一方面,新的交付模式(例如CloudEventV01Schema)只允许向订阅者 (JObject) 发布单个事件。

于 2018-08-31T15:35:26.510 回答