这基本上是“我做对了吗?” 问题。
- 几乎无需编码即可切换整个应用程序
- 集成到 zend MVC 工作流中,而不是覆盖它
- 回退到默认值
- 保留标准功能
- 控制器不应该知道变化
class Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_VrExtension extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function postDispatch()
if(!$this->_shouldRender()) {
return; //just skip
try {
$vr = $this->_getViewRenderer();
$backupView = clone $vr->view;
$this->_setBasePaths(); //set base path(s) through ViewRenderer::initView($path)
$oldSpecArray = $this->_setVrPathSpecs(); //set VR view script path specs
$vr->setNoRender(true); //disable renderer
} catch(Zend_View_Exception $e) { //fallback to default viewscripts if view script file not found
$vr->setView($backupView); //restore view on error
} catch(Exception $e) {
$vr->setView($backupView); //restore view on error
$this->_setVrPathSpecs($oldSpecArray); //restore script path spec
throw $e;
$this->_setVrPathSpecs($oldSpecArray);//restore script path spec
* Same functionality as ViewRenderer helper _shouldRender method
* @return boolean
protected function _shouldRender();
* @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer
protected function _getViewRenderer();
* Sets viewRenderer path specifications
* @param array $spec if NULL uses $this->_viewRendererPathSpecs
* @return array old path spec (0 => pathSpec, 1 => pathNoControllerSpec)
protected function _setVrPathSpecs(array $spec = NULL);
$this->_setBasePaths(); 将视图基本路径设置为application/views/default/和application/views/admin/
$this->_setVrPathSpecs(); 将路径规范设置为 ' :module/:controller/:action.:suffix '
所以对于 foo-baz-bar 它将在
1.application /views/admin/scripts/foo/baz/bar.phtml 2.application
/ views/default/scripts/foo/baz/bar.phtml 搜索
如果未找到视图脚本回退到默认 ViewRenderer:
3. application/modules/foo/views/scripts/baz/bar.phtml
更新:经过一些研究,我决定使用动作助手根据变形器和指定变量的规范自动注册视图脚本路径。如果来自其他模块的部分请求,我还修改了部分帮助程序以注册 scriptPaths。
class Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererPathstack extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
const PATH_APPEND = 'append';
const PATH_PREPEND = 'prepend';
protected $_enabled = FALSE;
protected $_viewScriptPaths = array();
* By default following vars available: baseDir, area, theme, module
* @var string
protected $_viewScriptPathSpec = ':baseDir/:area/:module';
protected $_defaults = array(
'area' => 'frontend',
'theme' => 'default',
protected $_vars = array();
protected $_inflector;
protected $_viewRenderer;
public function __construct($baseDir = NULL)
if($baseDir == NULL) {
$baseDir = APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'views';
$this->setDefaultVar('baseDir', $baseDir);
* Enter description here ...
* @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer
protected function _getViewRenderer()
if(!$this->_viewRenderer) {
$this->_viewRenderer = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer');
return $this->_viewRenderer;
* Should the ViewRenderer render a view script?
* @return boolean
protected function _shouldRender()
$vR = $this->_getViewRenderer();
return (!$this->getFrontController()->getParam('noViewRenderer')
&& !$vR->getNeverRender()
&& !$vR->getNoRender()
&& (null !== $vR->getActionController())
&& $vR->getRequest()->isDispatched()
&& !$vR->getResponse()->isRedirect()
public function generatePaths(array $vars = array())
$vars = array_merge($this->_defaults, $this->_vars, $vars);
$inflector = $this->getInflector();
$generatedPaths = array();
foreach($this->_viewScriptPaths as $path) {
$pathVars = array_merge($vars, $path);
$generatedPaths[] = $inflector->filter($pathVars);
return array_reverse(array_unique(array_reverse($generatedPaths)));//last occurence more important than first
// array('test', 'test2', 'test') => array('test2', 'test')
// @todo rethink this code piece later. must be better solution
protected function _registerVarsWithInflector()
$vars = array_merge($this->_defaults, $this->_vars);
$inflector = $this->getInflector();
$unregistered = array_keys(array_diff_key($vars, $inflector->getRules()));
sort($unregistered, SORT_DESC);//more specific first (moduleDir prior to module key)
foreach($unregistered as $var) {
$inflector->addFilterRule($var, array('Word_CamelCaseToDash', 'StringToLower'));
protected function _viewAddScriptPaths(Zend_View_Abstract $view, $paths)
foreach ($paths as $path) {
* Get inflector
* @return Zend_Filter_Inflector
public function getInflector()
if (null === $this->_inflector) {
$this->_inflector = new Zend_Filter_Inflector();
//setup default rules
':baseDir' => array(),
return $this->_inflector;
* @return array
public function getPaths()
return $this->_basePaths;
public function getEnabled()
return $this->_enabled;
public function setEnabled($flag = TRUE)
$this->_enabled = (bool)$flag;
return $this;
* @todo add check for $pathVars keys and values validity
* @param array $pathVars associative array
* @param string $placement either append or prepend
* @return Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererPathstack
public function addPath(array $pathVars, $placement = self::PATH_APPEND)
if($placement == self::PATH_PREPEND) {
array_unshift($this->_viewScriptPaths, $pathVars);
} else {
$this->_viewScriptPaths[] = $pathVars;
return $this;
* @param array|Zend_Config $paths
* @param string $placement either append or prepend
* @return Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererPathstack
* @throws Xrks_Exception
public function addPaths($paths, $placement = self::PATH_APPEND)
if($paths instanceof Zend_Config) {
$paths = $paths->toArray();
} elseif (!is_array($paths)) {
throw new Xrks_Exception('$paths should be either array or instance of Zend_Config');
if($placement == self::PATH_PREPEND) {
$paths = array_reverse($paths);
foreach($paths as $path) {
$this->addPath((array)$path, $placement);
return $this;
* @param array $pathVars associative array
* @return Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererPathstack
public function setPath(array $pathVars)
$this->_basePaths = array();
return $this;
* @param array|Zend_Config $paths
* @return Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererPathstack
* @throws Xrks_Exception
public function setPaths($paths)
$this->_basePaths = array();
return $this;
* @param string $varName
* @return string |NULL
public function getDefaultVar($varName)
if(key_exists($varName, $this->_defaults)) {
return $this->_defaults[$varName];
return NULL;
* @param string $varName
* @param string $value
* @return Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererPathstack Provides fluent interface
public function setDefaultVar($varName, $value)
$this->_defaults[$varName] = (string)$value;
return $this;
* @param string $name
* @return string |NULL
public function getVar($name, $defaults = false)
if(key_exists($name, $this->_vars)) {
return $this->_vars[$name];
return $defaults ? $this->getDefaultVar($name) : NULL;
* @param string $varName
* @param string $value
* @return Xrks_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRendererPathstack Provides fluent interface
public function setVar($varName, $value)
$this->_vars[$varName] = $value;
return $this;
public function unsetVar($name)
if(key_exists($name, $this->_vars)) {
return $this;
public function postDispatch()
if(!$this->getEnabled() || !$this->_shouldRender()) {
return; //just skip
try {
$vr = $this->_getViewRenderer();
$this->setVar('module', $vr->getModule());
$paths = $this->generatePaths();
$this->_viewAddScriptPaths($vr->view, $paths);
if(Zend_Registry::isRegistered('Zend_Log')) {
->log($paths, Zend_Log::DEBUG);
} catch(Exception $e) {
if(Zend_Registry::isRegistered('Zend_Log')) {
->log($e, Zend_Log::WARN);
throw $e;