object IO {

  def getHtmlFromWebsiteViaHttp(link: String, apiKey: String = ""): String = {
      .param("access_token", apiKey)

class SongService {
  private def retrieveSongId(songName: String): Option[JsValue] = {
    val formattedSongName = songName.replace(" ", "%20")
    val searchLink = "https://api.genius.com/search?q=" + formattedSongName

    //impure call
    val geniusStringResponse = IO.getHtmlFromWebsiteViaHttp(searchLink, apiKey)

   //Extra processing on geniusStringResponse

我目前的设计是我将有一个服务类,负责通过外部 API 获取一些信息。现在我明白了,不可能有 100% 纯函数。

我的问题:处理需要在 Scala/FP 中连接到外部 API 的情况的最佳方法是什么?目的是通过最小化不纯函数来拥有最合适的“函数式编程风格”

目前,我将所有 API 调用封装在 IO 对象中。这够合适吗?我看到了单子的例子。在这种情况下我应该合并一个单子风格吗?


1 回答 1


This isn't so much an FP problem, as I don't see any problems with your code in terms of FP, but what you should do, in my opinion is use dependency injection, such that, for testing, you can substitute a test class for IO that has a guaranteed response. Something like this:

abstract class IO {
  def getHtmlFromWebsiteViaHttp(link: String, apiKey: String = ""): String

class IOImpl extends IO {
  def getHtmlFromWebsiteViaHttp(link: String, apiKey: String = ""): String = {
      .param("access_token", apiKey)

class IOTestImpl extends IO {
  def getHtmlFromWebsiteViaHttp(link: String, apiKey: String = ""): String = ??? //some test HTML

And then in your service:

class SongService(io: IO) {
  private def retrieveSongId(songName: String): Option[JsValue] = {
    val formattedSongName = songName.replace(" ", "%20")
    val searchLink = "https://api.genius.com/search?q=" + formattedSongName
    val geniusStringResponse = io.getHtmlFromWebsiteViaHttp(searchLink, apiKey)
   //Extra processing on geniusStringResponse

Then when you instantiate your SongService, pass it IOTestImpl in testing and IOImpl otherwise. You might find some relevant information on dependency injection and database access objects.

于 2018-08-30T21:20:11.680 回答