

<p class="titlestyle">ANT101H5 Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology 
                    <span class='distribution'>(SCI)</span></p> 
<span class='normaltext'> 
Anthropology is the global and holistic study of human biology and behaviour, and includes four subfields: biological anthropology, archaeology, sociocultural anthropology and linguistics. The material covered is  directed  to answering the question: What makes us human? This course is a survey of  biological  anthropology and  archaeology.  [<span class='Helpcourse'
        onMouseover="showtip(this,event,'24 Lectures')"
        onMouseout="hidetip()">24L</span>, <span class='Helpcourse'
        onMouseover="showtip(this,event,'12 Tutorials')"
<span class='title2'>Exclusion: </span><a href='javascript:OpenCourse("WEBCOURSENOTFOUND.html")'>ANT100Y5</a><br> 
<span class='title2'>Prerequisite: </span><a href='javascript:OpenCourse("WEBCOURSEANT102H5.pl?fv=1")'>ANT102H5</a><br> 


  1. ANT101H5 Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology
  2. Exclusion: ANT100Y5
  3. Prerequisite: ANT102H5


我一直在尝试为此任务编写一个适当的 xpath 表达式,但我似乎无法做到恰到好处。

到目前为止,在Dimitre Novatchev的帮助下,我已经能够使用以下表达式:

sites = hxs.select("(//p[@class='titlestyle'])[2]/text()[1] | (//span[@class='title2'])[2]/text() | \
                    (//span[@class='title2'])[2]/following-sibling::a[1]/text() | (//span[@class='title2'])[3]/text() | \


[{"desc": "ANT101H5 Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology \n                        "},
 {"desc": "Exclusion: "},
 {"desc": "ANT100Y5"},
 {"desc": "Prerequisite: "},
 {"desc": "ANT102H5"}]





2 回答 2


为所有课程选择相关数据所需的单个 XPath 表达式非常混乱,所以这里我采用另一种方法,可以使用(如果有必要的话)生成单个 XPath 表达式:

这个简单的 XSLT 转换

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

 <xsl:template match="p[@class='titlestyle']">
  <xsl:value-of select="text()[1]"/>

 <xsl:template match=
  "span/span[@class='title2'][not(position() >1)]">
   <xsl:value-of select="."/>
   <xsl:value-of select="following-sibling::a[1]"/>

   <xsl:if test="not(following-sibling::a)">
    <xsl:value-of select="following-sibling::text()[1]"/>
 <xsl:template match="text()"/>

当在页面上应用时http ://www.utm.utoronto.ca/regcal/WEBLISTCOURSES1.html(整理成格式良好的 XML 文档),产生想要的结果

ANT101H5 Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology

Exclusion: ANT100Y5

ANT102H5 Introduction to Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology

Exclusion: ANT100Y5

ANT200Y5 World Archaeology and Prehistory

Prerequisite: 101H5

ANT203Y5 Biological Anthropology

Prerequisite: 101H5

ANT204Y5 Sociocultural Anthropology

Prerequisite: 101H5

ANT205H5 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

Prerequisite: 101H5

ANT206Y5 Culture and Communication: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology

Exclusion: ANT206H5

ANT241Y5 Aboriginal Peoples of North America

ANT299Y5 Research Opportunity Program

ANT304H5 Anthropology and Aboriginal Peoples

Exclusion: ANT304Y5

ANT306H5 Forensic Anthropology Field School

Prerequisite: ANT205H5

ANT308H5 Case Studies in Archaeological Botany and Zoology

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT309H5 Southeast Asian Archaeology

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT310H5 Complex Societies

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT312H5 Archaeological Analysis

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT313H5 China, Korea and Japan in Prehistory

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT314H5 Archaeological Theory

Exclusion: ANT411H5

ANT316H5 South Asian Archaeology

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT317H5 Archaeology of Eastern North America

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT318H5 Archaeological Fieldwork

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT320H5 Archaeological Approaches to Technology

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT322H5 Anthropology of Youth Culture

Exclusion: ANT204Y5

ANT327H5 Agricultural Origins:  The Second Revolution

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT331H5 The Biology of Human Sexuality

Exclusion: ANT330H5

ANT332H5 Human Origins

Exclusion: ANT332Y5

ANT333H5 Human Origins II

Exclusion: ANT332Y5

ANT334H5 Human Osteology

Exclusion: ANT334Y5

ANT335H5 Anthropology of Gender

Exclusion: ANT331Y5

ANT336H5 Molecular Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT203Y5

ANT338H5 Laboratory Methods in Biological Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT203Y5

ANT339Y5 Human Adaptation through Biological and Cultural Means

Prerequisite: ANT203Y5

ANT340H5 Osteological Theory

Exclusion: ANT334Y5

ANT350H5 Globalization and the Changing World of Work

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT351H5 Money, Markets, Gifts: Topics in Economic Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT352H5 Power, Authority, and Legitimacy: Topics in Political Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT358H5 Ethnographic Methods

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT360H5 Anthropology of Religion

Exclusion: ANT209Y5

ANT361H5 Anthropology of Sub-Saharan Africa

Exclusion: ANT212Y5

ANT362H5 Language in Culture and Society

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT363H5 Magic, Witchcraft and Science

Prerequisite: ANT360H5

ANT364H5 Lab in Social Interaction

Prerequisite: ANT206H5

ANT365H5 Semiotic Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT368H5 World Religions and Ecology

Exclusion: RLG311H5

ANT369H5 Religious Violence and Nonviolence

Exclusion: RLG317H5

ANT397H5 Independent Study

Prerequisite: Permission of Faculty Advisor

ANT398Y5 Independent Reading

Prerequisite: Permission of Faculty Advisor

ANT399Y5 Research Opportunity Program

Prerequisite: P.I.

ANT401H5 Vocal and Visual Communication

Prerequisite: ANT102H5

ANT414H5 People and Plants in Prehistory

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT415H5 Faunal Archaeo-Osteology

Exclusion: ANT415Y5

ANT416H5 Advanced Archaeological Analysis

Prerequisite: ANT312H5

ANT418H5 Advanced Archaeological Fieldwork

Prerequisite: ANT318H5

ANT430H5 Special Problems in Biological Anthropology and Archaeology

Prerequisite: P.I

ANT430Y5 Special Problems in Biological Anthropology and Archaeology

Prerequisite: P.I. 

ANT431Y5 Special Problems in Sociocultural or Linguistic Anthropology

Prerequisite: P.I.

ANT431H5 Special Problems in Sociocultural or Linguistic Anthropology

Prerequisite: P.I.

ANT432H5 Special Seminar in Anthropology

Prerequisite: P.I.

ANT433H5 Genes, Language, Artifact and Mind

Prerequisite: ANT200Y5

ANT434H5 Palaeopathology

Prerequisite: ANT334Y5

ANT438H5 The Development of Thought in Biological Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT203Y5

ANT439Y5 Advanced Forensic Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT205H5

ANT441H5 Advanced Bioarchaeology

Prerequisite: ANT334H5

ANT457H5 Anthropology and the Environment

Prerequisite: ANT102H5

ANT458H5 Anthropology of Crime, Law and Order

Exclusion: ANT204Y5

ANT459H5 The Ethnography of Speaking

Prerequisite: ANT206Y5

ANT460H5 Theory in Sociocultural Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT461H5 Emergent Topics in Socio-Cultural &amp;  Linguistic Anthropology

Prerequisite: ANT204Y5

ANT498H5 Advanced Independent Study

Prerequisite: P.I.

ANT499Y5 Advanced Independent Research

Prerequisite: P.I.
于 2011-03-06T16:56:33.000 回答

尝试而不是[<int>]使用类似的东西[position() mod <offset> = <base>]

偏移量是您感兴趣的每个节点之间的距离。@class='titlestyle' 和 @class='title2' 可能不同。

ites = hxs.select("(//p[@class='titlestyle'])[position() mod <offset to next to match> = 2]/text()[1] | (//span[@class='title2'])[position() mod <offset to next to match> = 2]/text() | \
                    (//span[@class='title2'])[position() mod <offset to next to match> = 2]/following-sibling::a[1]/text() | (//span[@class='title2'])[position() mod <offset to next to match> = 3]/text() | \
                    (//span[@class='title2'])[position() mod <offset to next to match> = 3]/following-sibling::a[1]/text()")


一次执行每个单独的 xpath,而不限制其位置。这是一项手动事实调查练习,用于确定要在 xpath 中使用的最终值。

返回与以下 xpath 匹配的所有节点(这是第一个)。

ites = hxs.select("(//p[@class='titlestyle'])/text()[1]")


您已经为此确定了第二个节点是您想要的第一个节点。ites现在计算到您希望此规则匹配的下一个的距离。这就是我们可以称之为的<offset to next to match>

现在对每个剩余的 xpath 搜索重复上述操作。

将 hxs.select("") 视为过滤器,并且在遍历 xml 时,将返回与您的 xpath 匹配的每一件事。


于 2011-03-06T07:22:30.507 回答