对于想知道如何在 nicEdit 中添加自定义组合框的人,这是我的博客文章,用于显示带有动态值的自定义下拉列表
通过编辑 NiceEdit js 文件,我们可以在 NicEdit 中添加自定义组合框
通过以下方式,我们可以将下拉菜单或组合框添加到 NicEdit。您可以通过 ajax 调用从数据库中获取下拉值并在 NicEdit 中显示它首先在 aspx 页面上下载并实现 NicEdit 下载 NiceEdit js 文件,您可以通过以下代码启用它(http://nicedit.com/)
<div style="height: 700px; width: 70%; overflow: scroll"> <div id="sample"><script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/nicEdit.js"></script><script src="../nicExample/nicExample.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
bkLib.onDomLoaded(function () {
// nicEditors.allTextAreas()
new nicEditor({ fullPanel: true }).panelInstance('area2');});</script>
<h4>NicEdit Textarea</h4><textarea name="area2" id="area2" style="width: 70%; height: 700px"> </textarea>
现在在文件末尾的 niceEdit.js 文件中添加 getddlData() Ajax 函数
// AJAX call
function getddlData() {
var ajaxResponse;
type: "POST",
url: 'NicEdit.aspx/GetBookMarkData', // AJAX call to fecth dropdown data
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: false,
cache: false,
// Text file name
success: function (response) {
// //alert(data.d); // or do some other data processing
// //return data.d;
ajaxResponse = response;
return ajaxResponse.d;
// 在代码隐藏(.cs 文件)中添加一个 webMethod 到 fetech 下拉值到 nicedit
public static string GetBookMarkData()
///Also you can get DB's data here
/// (2 responses dropdown values being filled : 'drop down Value', drop down Text)
/// Need DB data in , seprated list Formate: @@Test@@,TestOne, TestOne, @@Test2@@,Test2,Test2
string sbookmarkData = "<<Test_Name>>,Test Name,<<Test_Add>>,Test Add,<<Test_Location>>,Test Location,<<Test_City>>,Test City,<<Test_Phone>>,Test Phone";
return sbookmarkData;
现在打开 NicEdit js 文件并复制(第 1552 行)或搜索以下行:
var nicEditorFontFormatSelect = nicEditorSelect.extend({
Copy complete function and create another one by changing names etc
var nicEditorInsertBookmark = nicEditorSelect.extend({
/* By Pankaj Sharma : Not Needed Now */
sel: {
'[[Location]]': "Test Name",
pre: "Test Address",
h6: "Test City",
h5: "Test State",
h4: "Test Zip",
h3: "Test ABC",
h2: "Test One",
init: function () {
/* Pankaj Sharma */
this.setDisplay("Insert Bookmark");
var response = getddlData();
var responseArr = response.split(",");
var strings = [];
//for (itm in this.sel) {
// // var A = itm.toUpperCase();
// //this.add( A, this.sel[itm] )
// }
for (i = 0; i < responseArr.length; i++) {
strings.push([responseArr[i], responseArr[i + 1]]);
i = i + 1;
for (var i in strings) {
this.add(strings[i][0], strings[i][1]);
转到第 1230 行或搜索以下行:
var nicSelectOptions = { 按钮:{ 在 fontFormat 函数下方添加以下内容
'CustomBookmark': { name: __('Insert Bookmark'), type: 'nicEditorInsertBookmark', // 命令:'InsertBookmark' //InsertBookmark }
var nicSelectOptions = {
buttons: {
'fontSize': {
name: __('Select Font Size'),
type: 'nicEditorFontSizeSelect',
command: 'fontsize'
'fontFamily': {
name: __('Select Font Family'),
type: 'nicEditorFontFamilySelect',
command: 'fontname'
'fontFormat': {
name: __('Select Font Format'),
type: 'nicEditorFontFormatSelect',
command: 'formatBlock'
'CustomBookmark': {
name: __('Insert Bookmark'),
type: 'nicEditorInsertBookmark', //
command: 'InsertBookmark' //InsertBookmark
现在转到第 1385 行或更新:function (A) { 将其更改为
update: function (A) {
// alert(this.options.command);
if (this.options.command == 'InsertBookmark') {+
var editor = nicEditors.findEditor("area2");
var range = editor.getRng();
var editorField = editor.selElm();
editorField.nodeValue = editorField.nodeValue.substring(0, range.startOffset) + A + editorField.nodeValue.substring(range.endOffset, editorField.nodeValue.length);
else {
// alert(A);
/* END HERE */
this.ne.nicCommand(this.options.command, A);