我最近一直在努力寻找不仅仅是使用 Google 的 OR-Tools 的最佳路线。我在 repo 中找到了一个示例,但这仅解决了最佳路线,知道如何为一组点生成多个解决方案吗?我目前正在使用该工具的 DotNet 版本,任何其他语言的解决方案都会有所帮助!
public class tspParams : NodeEvaluator2
public static int[,] distanceMatrix =
{ 0, 20, 40, 10 },
{ 20, 0, 4, 55 },
{ 40, 4, 0, 2 },
{ 10, 55, 2, 0 }
public static int tsp_size
get { return distanceMatrix.GetUpperBound(0) + 1; }
public static int num_routes
get { return 1; }
public static int depot
get { return 0; }
public override long Run(int FromNode, int ToNode)
return distanceMatrix[FromNode, ToNode];
public class TSP
public static void PrintSolution(RoutingModel routing, Assignment solution)
Console.WriteLine("Distance of the route: {0}", solution.ObjectiveValue());
var index = routing.Start(0);
Console.WriteLine("Route for Vehicle 0:");
while (!routing.IsEnd(index))
Console.Write("{0} -> ", routing.IndexToNode(index));
var previousIndex = index;
index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index));
Console.WriteLine("{0}", routing.IndexToNode(index));
//Console.WriteLine("Calculated optimal route!");
public static void Solve()
// Create Routing Model
RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(
// Define weight of each edge
NodeEvaluator2 distanceEvaluator = new tspParams();
//protect callbacks from the GC
// Setting first solution heuristic (cheapest addition).
RoutingSearchParameters searchParameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();
searchParameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;
Assignment solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(searchParameters);
PrintSolution(routing, solution);