tl; dr:使用飞机,数学解释如下。底部有一个画布示例。
你可以把你的盒子想象成一组四个几何平面。每个平面都有一个法线或长度为 1 的向量,指示哪个方向是平面的“正面”。构成细胞侧面的平面的法线为:
top = {x: 0, y: -1};
bottom = {x: 0, y: 1};
left = {x: -1, y: 0};
right = {x: 1, y: 0};
distance = (normal.x * point.x) + (normal.y * point.y)
您可以使用此等式来计算平面的距离。在这种情况下,您知道框的左上角(假设 x 为 10,y 为 100)位于顶部平面上,因此您可以执行以下操作:
distance = (0 * 10) + (-1 * 100)
distance = -100
(其中 x 为 -50,y 为 90),您可以执行以下操作:
result = (normal.x * p.x) + (normal.y * p.y) - distance
result = (0 * -50) + (-1 * 90) - (-100)
result = 0 + (-90) - (-100)
result = -90 + 100
result = 10
if (result >= 0) {
// point is in front of the plane, or coplanar.
// zero means it is coplanar, but we don't need to distinguish.
} else {
// point is behind the plane
您可以通过以下方式检查一条线的两个端点 from a
to b
result1 = (normal.x * a.x) + (normal.y * a.y) - distance
result2 = (normal.x * b.x) + (normal.y * b.y) - distance
if (result1 >= 0 && result2 >= 0) {
// the line is completely in front of the plane
} else if (result1 < 0 && result2 < 0) {
// the line is completely behind the plane
} else if (result1 >= 0 && result2 < 0) {
// a is in front, but b is behind, line is entering the plane
} else if (result1 < 0 && result2 >= 0) {
// a is behind, but b is in front, line is exiting the plane
a + t * (b - a)
如果t == 0
,您在行首,并且t == 1
time = result1 / (result1 - result2)
hit.x = a.x + (b.x - a.x) * time
hit.y = a.y + (b.y - a.y) * time
在 JavaScript 中,您的结果可能如下所示:
* Find the points where a line intersects a box.
* @param a Start point for the line.
* @param b End point for the line.
* @param tl Top left of the box.
* @param br Bottom right of the box.
* @return Object {nearTime, farTime, nearHit, farHit}, or false.
function intersectLineBox(a, b, tl, br) {
var nearestTime = -Infinity;
var furthestTime = Infinity;
var planes = [
{nx: 0, ny: -1, dist: -tl.y}, // top
{nx: 0, ny: 1, dist: br.y}, // bottom
{nx: -1, ny: 0, dist: -tl.x}, // left
{nx: 1, ny: 0, dist: br.x} // right
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
var plane = planes[i];
var nearDist = (plane.nx * a.x + plane.ny * a.y) - plane.dist;
var farDist = (plane.nx * b.x + plane.ny * b.y) - plane.dist;
if (nearDist >= 0 && farDist >= 0) {
// both are in front of the plane, line doesn't hit box
return false;
} else if (nearDist < 0 && farDist < 0) {
// both are behind the plane
} else {
var time = nearDist / (nearDist - farDist);
if (nearDist >= farDist) {
// entering the plane
if (time > nearestTime) {
nearestTime = time;
} else {
// exiting the plane
if (time < furthestTime) {
furthestTime = time;
if (furthestTime < nearestTime) {
return false;
return {
nearTime: nearestTime,
farTime: furthestTime,
nearHit: {
x: a.x + (b.x - a.x) * nearestTime,
y: a.y + (b.y - a.y) * nearestTime
farHit: {
x: a.x + (b.x - a.x) * furthestTime,
y: a.y + (b.y - a.y) * furthestTime