任何人都可以帮助解决这个问题吗?我指的是互联网上的一个示例,用于并行执行 T-SQL 语句。


我希望能够一次在同一个实例上执行相同的 T-SQL,以验证关于锁定的概念工作。为了做到这一点,我调整了脚本,以便我可以通过更改

while ($counter -le 5)

这是完整的脚本。基本上,主要语句可以是您想要的任何 T-SQL,它将填充$sqlcmds该语句以使该语句通过您希望的尽可能多的迭代。

Import-Module sqlps -DisableNameChecking;
Set-Location c:
# create a workflow to run multiple sql in parallel
workflow Run-PSQL #PSQL means Parallel SQL {


        [string[]]$Query # a string array to hold t-sqls

    foreach -parallel ($q in $query)  {
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $q -QueryTimeout 60000;
} # Run-PSQL

# prepare a bunch of sql commands in a string arrary

#####new bit to make it dynamic sql multiple times
$sqlcmds = ""
$counter = 0
do {
    "Starting Loop $Counter"

    $PrimaryStatement = '"SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.objects"'
    if ($counter -eq 5) {
        $sqlcmds = $sqlcmds + "$PrimaryStatement"
        Write-Host "this is what sqlcmds is $sqlcmds loop 5"
    } else {
        $sqlcmds = $sqlcmds + "$PrimaryStatement,``"
        Write-Host "this is what sqlcmds is now $sqlcmds"

} while ($counter -le 5)

# now we can run the workflow and measure its execution duration
$dt_start = Get-Date; #start time
Run-PSQL -Server &&&&&&& -Database master -Query $sqlcmds;
$dt_end = Get-Date; #end time
$dt_end - $dt_start; # find execution duration




1 回答 1



  • 移动了第一个 { 因为它得到了评论!
  • 删除 $sqlcmds = ""
  • 更改了 SQL 在数组 $sqlcmds 中的聚合方式
  • 删除了 if/else 里面,因为它似乎没有用
  • 更改了打印的文本

    Import-Module sqlps -DisableNameChecking;
    Set-Location c:
    # create a workflow to run multiple sql in parallel
    workflow Run-PSQL #PSQL means Parallel SQL 


            [string[]]$Query #a string array to hold t-sqls

        foreach -parallel ($q in $query)  {
            Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Database $Database -Query $q -QueryTimeout 60000;
    } # Run-PSQL

    # prepare a bunch of sql commands in a string arrary

    ##### new bit to make it dynamic sql multiple times
    [string[]]$sqlcmds = @()

    $counter = 0
    do {
        "Starting Loop $Counter"

        $PrimaryStatement = 'SELECT TOP 1 * FROM sys.objects'

        $sqlcmds += "$PrimaryStatement"
        Write-Host ("this is what sqlcmds has [$($sqlcmds.Count)] statements at loop counter [$Counter]")

    } while ($counter -le 5)

    # now we can run the workflow and measure its execution duration
    $dt_start = Get-Date; #start time
    Run-PSQL -Server 'myserver\myinstance' -Database master -Query $sqlcmds;
    $dt_end = Get-Date; #end time
    $dt_end - $dt_start; # find execution duration
于 2019-04-26T13:43:23.553 回答