我正在用 Go 构建一个工具,它需要向许多不同的服务器同时发出大量 HTTP 请求。我在 Python 中的初始原型可以同时处理数百个请求。

但是,我发现在 Go 中Get http://www.google.com: dial tcp i/o timeout,如果同时请求的数量超过 ~ 30-40,这几乎总是会导致 a for some 。

我已经在 macOS、openSUSE、不同的硬件、不同的网络和不同的域列表上进行了测试,并且按照其他 Stackoverflow 答案中的描述更改 DNS 服务器也不起作用。

有趣的是,失败的请求甚至不会产生数据包,这在使用 Wireshark 进行检查时可以看出。

有什么我做错了还是 Go 中的错误?


package main

import (

func main() {
    domains := []string{/* large domain list here, eg from https://moz.com/top500 */}

    limiter := make(chan string, 50) // Limits simultaneous requests

    wg := sync.WaitGroup{} // Needed to not prematurely exit before all requests have been finished

    for i, domain := range domains {
        limiter <- domain

        go func(i int, domain string) {
            defer func() { <-limiter }()
            defer wg.Done()

            resp, err := http.Get("http://"+domain)
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("%d %s failed: %s\n", i, domain, err)

            fmt.Printf("%d %s: %s\n", i, domain, resp.Status)
        }(i, domain)


Two particular error messages are happening, a net.DNSError that does not make any sense and a non-descript poll.TimeoutError:

&url.Error{Op:"Get", URL:"http://harvard.edu", Err:(*net.OpError)(0xc00022a460)}
&net.OpError{Op:"dial", Net:"tcp", Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:net.Addr(nil), Err:(*net.DNSError)(0xc000aca200)}
&net.DNSError{Err:"no such host", Name:"harvard.edu", Server:"", IsTimeout:false, IsTemporary:false}

&url.Error{Op:"Get", URL:"http://latimes.com", Err:(*net.OpError)(0xc000d92730)}
&net.OpError{Op:"dial", Net:"tcp", Source:net.Addr(nil), Addr:net.Addr(nil), Err:(*poll.TimeoutError)(0x14779a0)}


Running the requests with a seperate http.Client as well as http.Transport and net.Dialer does not make any difference as can be seen when running code from this playground.


1 回答 1


I think many of your net.DNSErrors are actually too many open files errors in disguise. You can see this by running your sample code with the netgo tag (recommendation from here) (go run -tags netgo main.go) which will emit errors like:

…dial tcp: lookup buzzfeed.com on dial udp socket: too many open files

instead of

…dial tcp: lookup buzzfeed.com: no such host

Make sure you're closing the request's response body (resp.Body.Close()). You can find more about this specific problem at What's the best way to handle "too many open files"? and How to set ulimit -n from a golang program?. (On my machine (macOS), increasing file limits manually seemed to help, but I don't think it's a good solution since it doesn't really scale, and I'm not sure how many open files you'd need overall.)

As suggested by @liam-kelly, I think the i/o timeout error is coming from a DNS server or some other security mechanism. Setting a custom (bad) DNS server IP gives me the same error.

于 2021-05-30T13:48:55.037 回答