I'm trying to create a simple video player with 3 buttons: play, stop and pause. My video will be from the raw folder or at a server url that I will upload it to. Do you have any tutorial on this in order to get some ideas? Also, I have created a media player with a song, but I think that this can't work for videos, right?
14865 次
2 回答
SDK 中有一个用于 VideoView 的项目示例。您可以将 MediaController 附加到它,它将显示播放/暂停停止和跳过按钮。它也在开发者网站上,在这里。
于 2011-03-05T01:32:49.650 回答
this may be what you are looking for: http://davanum.wordpress.com/2009/12/04/android-%E2%80%93-videomusic-player-sample-take-2/
To make this more abstract, the VideoView Widget is what you need.
于 2011-03-05T01:29:21.270 回答