module Reflection =
module Type =
let isType<'a> = Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
let (|IsEqual|Isnt|) (_:'a) (t:Type):Choice<unit,unit> =
let t' = typeof<'a>
if t = t' then IsEqual else Isnt
let (|TypeOf|_|) (_:'a) (t:Type) :unit option =
if t = typeof<'a> then Some ()
//printfn "did not match %A to %A" typeof<'a> t
open Reflection
match typeof<string> with
// compiles just fine
| Type.TypeOf (Type.isType:int) as x -> Some x.Name
// does not compile
| Type.IsEqual (Type.isType:string) as x -> Some x.Name
| _ -> None
给Type mismatch. Expecting a Type -> Choice<'a,'b> but given a Type -> 'c -> Choice<unit,unit> The type 'Choice<'a,'b>' does not match the type ''c -> Choice<unit,unit>' (using external F# compiler)