async function
getAdjacentRange() {
await Word.run(async (context) => {
var ccs = context.document.contentControls;
await context.sync();
console.log("Nr cc: " + ccs.items.length);
let cc = ccs.items[0];
//The starting point of the content control so that
//the range can be extended backwards
let ccRange = cc.getRange("Start");
let ccParas = ccRange.paragraphs; cc.load("text,range,paragraphs");
let ccPara = ccParas.getFirst();
//The content control must be in a paragraph: get that paragraph's
//starting point so that the range can be extended in that direction
let paraRange = ccPara.getRange("Start");
let rng = paraRange.expandTo(ccRange);
//Get the words in the range of the start of the paragraph to the
//start of the content control in order to get the last one before the content control
let em = [" "];
let words = rng.getTextRanges(em, true);
await context.sync();
let nrWords = words.items.length;
//minus 2 to get second to last word since last word is directly adjacent to content control (no space)
let lastWord = words.items[nrWords - 2];
//Now get the content from the end of the second to last word to
//the start of the content control, which will be the last word
let word2BeforeCC = lastWord.getRange("End");
let wordBeforeCC = word2BeforeCC.expandTo(ccRange);
await context.sync();
console.log(cc.text + "/ Word before the content control: " + wordBeforeCC.text + " / nr Words: " + nrWords);
async function
getAdjacentRange() {
await Word.run(async (context) => {
var ccs = context.document.contentControls;
await context.sync();
let cc = ccs.getFirstOrNullObject();
//The starting point of the content control so that
//the range can be extended backwards
let ccRange = cc.getRange("Start");
//The content control must be in a paragraph, so get that paragraph's
//starting point so that the range can be extended in that direction
let ccParas = ccRange.paragraphs; cc.load("text,range,paragraphs");
let ccPara = ccParas.getFirst();
let paraRange = ccPara.getRange("Start");
let rng = paraRange.expandTo(ccRange);
//Now it's possible to get the last word in the extended range
let em = [" "];
let words = rng.getTextRanges(em, true);
await context.sync();
let nrWords = words.items.length;
//returns a Range object, from which you can get the style info
let lastWord = words.items[nrWords - 1];
await context.sync();
console.log(cc.text + "/" + "nr Words: " + nrWords + "last word: " + lastWord.text);