我使用 Borland C++ Builder 5 编写了一个 C++ 程序。该程序动态创建一个对象数组TCheckBox
// Header declaration
void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender);
// End Header
// CBoxClick function (the event handler)
void __fastcall CBoxClick(TObject *Sender){
if (dynamic_cast<TCheckBox*>(Sender)!=NULL){
//Do stuff
Form1 -> Debug -> Text = "Object is not a TCheckBox";
void ChkBoxInit(void){
int i; //Loop counter index
TCheckBox* ChkBx[NCARDS]; //Define array of type checkboxes
for(i = 0; i < NCARDS; i++){ //Initalize each checkbox
ChkBx[i] = new TCheckBox(Form1); //Create a new checkbox
ChkBx[i] -> Parent = Form1; //Define parent of checkbox
ChkBx[i] -> Tag = i; //Set value of Tag to index
// Other CheckBox parameters here such as Height, Width, Top, Left, Name are here
// Next, call event handler. I've tried the following 2 statements with the comment results
ChkBx[i] -> OnClick = CBoxClick(ChkBx[i]); // Results in E2109: Not an allowed type
ChkBx[i] -> OnClick = CBoxClick; /* Alternate try - Results in E2034: Cannot convert
'void (_fastcall *)(TObject *)' to
'void (_fastcall * (_closure )(TObject *))(TObject *)' */
} //End of for loop
} //End of function