I want to utilize Sendgrid template versions to support multiple language support.

According to Sendgrid documentation:

A template can only have one active version at a time. If you’ve created a new version with different HTML that you want your customers to start receiving, you’ll need to make that version “Active.”</p>

So, for example I have template with 2 version: English(active) and Russian. Thus, if I want to send email with Russian version, I need to active Russian template version before sending email.

But my concern is following: What if I need to send emails with Russian and English version in the same time? Will Sendgrind be able to supply proper version for 2 simultaneous request?


3 回答 3


I was able to implement multiple languages support for my emails using Sendgrid Dynamic Transactional Templates. The idea here is that you should create transactional template and design it with the help of handlebars if/else conditional statements. For e.g.: Adding support of English and Russian language for your template can look like this:

        {{#if english}}
            <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#7a7a7a;"><span style="font-size:12px;">My web site in social networks</span></span></div>
      {{else if russian}}
            <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#7a7a7a;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Мой Веб сайт в социальных сетях</span></span></div>

Then request should contain:

    "personalizations": [
      "to": [
          "email": "to_@email.com"
      "dynamic_template_data": {
        "subject": "Subject_translated_to_desired_language",
        "russian": true
        // other placeholders

  "from": {"email": "from_@mail.com"},

If you send this request to Sendgrid, it will send you email content in Russian language.

This example can be very helpful.

于 2018-09-19T10:06:16.580 回答

Maybe you could try to use this api . https://sendgrid.api-docs.io/v3.0/send-test-email/marketing-campaigns-send-test Looks like what you need.

mail test api: https://api.sendgrid.com/v3/marketing/test/send_email

You can get all the available templates with version using the below api . https://api.sendgrid.com/v3/templates?generations=dynamic Once you have all templates and versions , choose the version_id of your choice based on a version name , you can add to the template in sendgrid.

https://api.sendgrid.com/v3/marketing/test/send_email In the mail test api you should be able to set the below fields.

    "template_id": "string (required)",
    "version_id_override": "string (optional)",
    "sender_id": "integer (optional)",
    "custom_unsubscribe_url": "string (optional)",
    "suppression_group_id": "integer (optional)",
    "emails": [
    "from_address": "string (optional)"
于 2020-11-26T08:50:21.767 回答

What if I have to manage 20 languages? How can we manage that in this way?

于 2020-01-23T08:03:13.157 回答