I get this error when trying to run some UI tests through a ordered UI test. The error always happens after the first test from the ordered UI test is completed. I double checked and the dll file the error complained about is present at the location mentioned in the error.The error does not happen on a debug test run.

Yesterday it would run just fine. I updated to visual studio 15.8.1 today an suspect this is causing my ordered test to fail, especially because I already found some similar questions about this for other versions of vs. The solutions posted in the answers didn't work for me.

3 questions:

  • Can anyone confirm this is caused by the update to vs 15.8.1?
  • Did you found a solution to this problem?
  • Any possible other cause?

2 回答 2





出于某种原因,这仅在从 vs2017 15.7.6 更新到 vs2017 15.8.1 后才成为问题。


于 2018-08-24T08:03:43.203 回答

SolutionExplorer.MouseRightClick.Configuration Manager:将每个项目平台设置为“任何 CPU”解决了我的问题

于 2020-05-07T03:02:02.507 回答