I'm preparing a project with GraphQL server, using Prisma to connect with the database, all this with Typscript.

And the compiler is returning me :

Error: Whoops. Looks like an internal server error. Search your server logs for request ID: local:management:cjkzo60s4000e0a01tuoln3l4: {"response":{"data":{"deploy":null},"errors":[{"message":"Whoops. Looks like an internal server error. Search your server logs for request ID: local:management:cjkzo60s4000e0a01tuoln3l4","path":["deploy"],"locations":[{"line":2,"column":9}],"requestId":"local:management:cjkzo60s4000e0a01tuoln3l4"}],"status":200},"request":{"query":" mutation($name: String!, $stage: String! $types: String! $dryRun: Boolean $secrets: [String!], $subscriptions: [FunctionInput!], $force: Boolean) {\n deploy(input: {\n name: $name\n stage: $stage\n types: $types\n dryRun: $dryRun\n secrets: $secrets\n subscriptions: $subscriptions\n force: $force\n }) {\n errors {\n type\n field\n description\n }\n warnings {\n type\n field\n description\n }\n migration {\n ...MigrationFragment\n }\n }\n }\n \nfragment MigrationFragment on Migration {\n revision\n steps {\n type\n __typename\n ... on CreateEnum {\n name\n ce_values: values\n }\n ... on CreateField {\n model\n name\n cf_typeName: typeName\n cf_isRequired: isRequired\n cf_isList: isList\n cf_isUnique: unique\n cf_relation: relation\n cf_defaultValue: default\n cf_enum: enum\n }\n ... on CreateModel {\n name\n }\n ... on CreateRelation {\n name\n leftModel\n rightModel\n }\n ... on DeleteEnum {\n name\n }\n ... on DeleteField {\n model\n name\n }\n ... on DeleteModel {\n name\n }\n ... on DeleteRelation {\n name\n }\n ... on UpdateEnum {\n name\n newName\n values\n }\n ... on UpdateField {\n model\n name\n newName\n typeName\n isRequired\n isList\n isUnique: unique\n relation\n default\n enum\n }\n ... on UpdateModel {\n name\n um_newName: newName\n }\n }\n}\n\n ","variables":{"name":"default","stage":"default","types":"enum UserType {\n CUSTOMER\n MAKER\n ADMIN\n}\n\n\nenum OfferType {\n NORMAL\n LTS\n}\n\n\nenum DesignType {\n MUSIC\n GRAPHIC_ART\n PIXEL_ART\n MOTION_DESIGN\n}\n\nenum StoryType {\n SMALL\n LONG\n}\n\ninterface Account {\n id: ID! @unique\n registered: Boolean! @default(value: \"false\")\n contacts: [Account!]!\n address: Address\n favorite: [Service!]!\n}\n\ntype Address {\n id: ID! @unique\n city: String!\n country: String!\n street: String\n houseNumber: String\n phoneNumber: String\n}\n\ntype User implements Account {\n id: ID! @unique\n registered: Boolean! @default(value: \"false\")\n contacts: [Account!]!\n address: Address\n favorite: [Service!]!\n gender: Gender\n personalData: PersonalData\n type: UserType\n}\n\ntype PersonalData {\n id: ID! @unique\n firstName: String\n lastName: String!\n email: String!\n}\n\ntype Organisation implements Account {\n id: ID! @unique\n registered: Boolean! @default(value: \"false\")\n contacts: [Account!]!\n address: Address\n favorite: [Service!]!\n responsible: User\n}\n\ntype Payment {\n id: ID! @unique\n date: DateTime!\n price: Int!\n}\n\ntype Purchase {\n id: ID! @unique\n payment: Payment!\n seller: Account!\n buyer: Account!\n services: [Service!]!\n}\n\ntype Offer {\n price: Int!\n type: OfferType\n}\n\ninterface Service {\n id: ID! @unique\n creationDate: DateTime!\n updateDate: DateTime!\n comments: [Comment!]!\n author: Account!\n offer: Offer\n}\n\ntype Design implements Service {\n id: ID! @unique\n creationDate: DateTime!\n updateDate: DateTime!\n comments: [Comment!]!\n author: Account!\n offer: Offer\n type: [DesignType!]!\n}\n\ntype Story implements Service {\n id: ID! @unique\n creationDate: DateTime!\n updateDate: DateTime!\n comments: [Comment!]!\n author: Account!\n offer: Offer\n endDate: DateTime!\n type: [StoryType!]!\n}\n\ntype Comment {\n id: ID! @unique\n author: Account! @relation(name: \"Writer\")\n service: Service!\n}\n\n","secrets":null,"subscriptions":[]}}} at GraphQLClient. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/graphql-request/src/index.ts:72:13) at step (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/graphql-request/dist/src/index.js:40:23) at Object.next (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/graphql-request/dist/src/index.js:21:53) at fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/prisma/node_modules/graphql-request/dist/src/index.js:12:58) at at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)

I hope you could read, and also hope someone can help me!

Thank you for reading :)


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