
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Test where

class C w

data A = A (forall u. C u => u)

x :: forall u. C u => u
x = undefined

a = A x

正如预期的那样,这种类型检查很好。但是,将 ifa重构为使用let语句:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Test where

class C w

data A = A (forall u. C u => u)

x :: forall u. C u => u
x = undefined

a = let x' = x in A x'


test.hs:12:14: error:
    * No instance for (C u0) arising from a use of `x'
    * In the expression: x
      In an equation for x': x' = x
      In the expression: let x' = x in A x'
12 | a = let x' = x in A x'
   |              ^

test.hs:12:21: error:
    * Couldn't match expected type `u' with actual type `u0'
        because type variable `u' would escape its scope
      This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
        a type expected by the context:
          forall u. C u => u
        at test.hs:12:19-22
    * In the first argument of `A', namely x'
      In the expression: A x'
      In the expression: let x' = x in A x'
    * Relevant bindings include x' :: u0 (bound at test.hs:12:9)
12 | a = let x' = x in A x'



1 回答 1



a = let x' = x in A x'不等价于,因为a = A x在单态限制下x'inlet x' = ...是单态的,但 A 需要一个多态参数。

于 2018-08-18T09:01:20.437 回答