我正在使用 Angular 6,我有两个组件,一个是主要组件,另一个是对话框,我有一个按钮可以打开一个对话框,里面有一棵树。树节点有一个复选框!我有一个按钮,我想在按下它时关闭并保存选中的项目。当我关闭对话框时,我不知道如何控制项目!我使用 main.component.ts 中的对话框组件!以下是代码:
export interface DialogData {
role_name: string;
description: string;
permission: string[];
export class TodoItemNode {
children: TodoItemNode[];
item: string;
/** Flat to-do item node with expandable and level information */
export class TodoItemFlatNode {
item: string;
level: number;
expandable: boolean;
const TREE_DATA = {
'Dashboard': null,
'Reports': null,
'Settings': {
'Station Management': {
'Station': null,
'Work Shift': null,
'Fuel Price': null,
'Tank Management': null
'User Management': {
'Users': null,
'Groups': null
'Assets': {
'Dispensers': null,
'Tank Monitor': null
'Security': {
'Admin Roles': null
export class ChecklistDatabase {
dataChange: BehaviorSubject<TodoItemNode[]> = new BehaviorSubject<TodoItemNode[]>([]);
get data(): TodoItemNode[] { return this.dataChange.value; }
constructor() {
initialize() {
// Build the tree nodes from Json object. The result is a list of `TodoItemNode` with nested
// file node as children.
const data = this.buildFileTree(TREE_DATA, 0);
// Notify the change.
buildFileTree(value: any, level: number) {
const data: any[] = [];
// tslint:disable-next-line:forin
for (const k in value) {
const v = value[k];
const node = new TodoItemNode();
node.item = `${k}`;
if (v === null || v === undefined) {
// no action
} else if (typeof v === 'object') {
node.children = this.buildFileTree(v, level + 1);
} else {
node.item = v;
return data;
insertItem(parent: TodoItemNode, name: string) {
const child = <TodoItemNode>{item: name};
if (parent.children) {
updateItem(node: TodoItemNode, name: string) {
node.item = name;
//////////// Admin roles component where we did CRUD functions!
selector: 'app-admin-roles',
templateUrl: './admin-roles.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./admin-roles.component.css']
export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
displayedColumns = ['role_name', 'description', 'permissions', 'actions'];
role_name: string;
description: string;
constructor(public dialog: MatDialog, private adminRoleService: AdminRolesService) { }
ngOnInit() {
openPermissionDialog(role?) {
const dialogRef = this.dialog.open(DialogPermissionComponent, {
width: '640px',
disableClose: true,
data: { role_name: role ? role.role_name:this.role_name, description: role? role.description:this.description, permission: role? role.permission:this.permission }
dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {
//////////// permission component where we set permissions
selector: 'app-dialog-content-example-dialog',
templateUrl: './permission/dialog-permission-dialog.html',
styleUrls: ['./permission/dialog-permission-dialog.css'],
providers: [ChecklistDatabase]
export class DialogPermissionComponent {
/** Map from flat node to nested node. This helps us finding the nested node to be modified */
flatNodeMap: Map<TodoItemFlatNode, TodoItemNode> = new Map<TodoItemFlatNode, TodoItemNode>();
/** Map from nested node to flattened node. This helps us to keep the same object for selection */
nestedNodeMap: Map<TodoItemNode, TodoItemFlatNode> = new Map<TodoItemNode, TodoItemFlatNode>();
/** A selected parent node to be inserted */
selectedParent: TodoItemFlatNode | null = null;
/** The new item's name */
newItemName = '';
treeControl: FlatTreeControl<TodoItemFlatNode>;
treeFlattener: MatTreeFlattener<TodoItemNode, TodoItemFlatNode>;
dataSource: MatTreeFlatDataSource<TodoItemNode, TodoItemFlatNode>;
/** The selection for checklist */
checklistSelection = new SelectionModel<TodoItemFlatNode>(true /* multiple */);
constructor(private database: ChecklistDatabase, public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<DialogPermissionComponent>, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data1: DialogData) {
this.treeFlattener = new MatTreeFlattener(this.transformer, this.getLevel,
this.isExpandable, this.getChildren);
this.treeControl = new FlatTreeControl<TodoItemFlatNode>(this.getLevel, this.isExpandable);
this.dataSource = new MatTreeFlatDataSource(this.treeControl, this.treeFlattener);
database.dataChange.subscribe(data => {
this.dataSource.data = data;
getLevel = (node: TodoItemFlatNode) => node.level;
isExpandable = (node: TodoItemFlatNode) => node.expandable;
getChildren = (node: TodoItemNode): Observable<TodoItemNode[]> => {
return ofObservable(node.children);
hasChild = (_: number, _nodeData: TodoItemFlatNode) => _nodeData.expandable;
hasNoContent = (_: number, _nodeData: TodoItemFlatNode) => _nodeData.item === '';
transformer = (node: TodoItemNode, level: number) => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-non-null-assertion
const flatNode = this.nestedNodeMap.has(node) && this.nestedNodeMap.get(node)!.item === node.item
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-non-null-assertion
? this.nestedNodeMap.get(node)!
: new TodoItemFlatNode();
flatNode.item = node.item;
flatNode.level = level;
flatNode.expandable = !!node.children;
this.flatNodeMap.set(flatNode, node);
this.nestedNodeMap.set(node, flatNode);
return flatNode;
/** Whether all the descendants of the node are selected */
descendantsAllSelected(node: TodoItemFlatNode): boolean {
const descendants = this.treeControl.getDescendants(node);
return descendants.every(child => this.checklistSelection.isSelected(child));
/** Whether part of the descendants are selected */
descendantsPartiallySelected(node: TodoItemFlatNode): boolean {
const descendants = this.treeControl.getDescendants(node);
const result = descendants.some(child => this.checklistSelection.isSelected(child));
return result && !this.descendantsAllSelected(node);
todoItemSelectionToggle(node: TodoItemFlatNode): void {
const descendants = this.treeControl.getDescendants(node);
? this.checklistSelection.select(...descendants)
: this.checklistSelection.deselect(...descendants);
OnClose() {
<button mat-button-sm (click)="openPermissionDialog()" mat-icon-button aria-label="Open card menu">
<mat-tree [dataSource]="dataSource" [treeControl]="treeControl" >
<mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node" matTreeNodeToggle matTreeNodePadding >
<button mat-icon-button disabled></button>
<mat-checkbox class="checklist-leaf-node"
<mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node; when: hasNoContent" matTreeNodePadding>
<button mat-icon-button disabled></button>
<mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node; when: hasChild" matTreeNodePadding>
<button mat-icon-button matTreeNodeToggle
[attr.aria-label]="'toggle ' + node.filename">
<mat-icon class="mat-icon-rtl-mirror">
{{treeControl.isExpanded(node) ? 'expand_more' : 'chevron_right'}}
<mat-checkbox [checked]="descendantsAllSelected(node)"
<button class="mat-button" mat-button (click)="OnClose()">Cancel</button>
<button class="mat-button" mat-button [mat-dialog-close]="data1" cdkFocusInitial color="primary">Create</button>