I am currently load testing login/logout function with max 2000 unique users and created a distributed test environment with 4 slaves and 1 master. We are able to successfully distribute traffic to all 4 slaves.

However, We do not want 4 slaves to use the same users during execution. We want to ensure each slave receive a unique set of test users in order to login to avoid any conflicts.

- Distribute test max 2000 login sessions using 2000 unique users over 1 hour (gradual increase)
- Master to distribute traffic to 4 slaves
- Each slave to receive or use a unique set of users to execute the test. Therefore there should be no conflict between users.

(user distribution,
Slave#1: Users 1 - 500
Slave#2: user 501 - 1000
slave#3: User 1001 - 1500
Slave#4: user 1501 - 2000

Our Jmeter version is 3.3 (Windows PCs)

How do we achieve this? your help will be appreciated.

Thank you Z


1 回答 1

  1. JMeter 从属执行测试计划(.jmx 脚本,它们从主控接收,因此为了拥有 2000 个不同的用户,您应该500在您的线程组中使用用户(假设有一个线程组,如果有更多 - 相应地较少的)
  2. 如果您使用外部数据源,即用于存储用户凭据的 CSV 文件,您需要将其分成两部分并将它们上传到远程从站,以便CSV 数据集配置可以使用它们。一个更简单、无人值守和可扩展的解决方案是使用具有选项的HTTP 简单表服务器KEEP,将其设置为 false 将从列表中删除凭据,因此将保证唯一性。您可以使用JMeter Plugins Manager安装 HTTP Simple Table Server 插件
  3. 根据JMeter 最佳实践,您应该始终使用最新版本的 JMeter,因此请考虑尽快升级到 JMeter 4.0(或JMeter 下载页面上提供的任何最新版本)
于 2018-08-16T05:23:37.460 回答