NameValueCollection data = new NameValueCollection();
data.Add("cmd", "_pay"); // the api method. you can found more method in www.coinpayments.net/apidoc
data.Add("merchant", "your merchant id "); // you can get it in your cp account
data.Add("currency", "USD");
data.Add("item_name", "the item name to buy");
data.Add("want_shipping", "0");
data.Add("quantity", "1");
data.Add("amount", amount);
data.Add("amountf", amount);
data.Add("item_number", "1");
data.Add("invoice", invoce nick);
data.Add("allow_extra", "0");
data.Add("reset", "1");
data.Add("email", "email@example"); // very importat to buyer in refund case
data.Add("custom", "email@example");
data.Add("first_name", "first name");
data.Add("last_name", "last name");
data.Add("ipn_url", "Your ipn url"); // you can get it in your cp account
data.Add("success_url", "https://myfxagents.com/bo/BackOffice/MakeDeposit.aspx?s=yes");
data.Add("cancel_url", "https://myfxagents.com/bo/BackOffice/MakeDeposit.aspx?s=no");
//Prepare the Posting form, Note this return a string
return PreparePOSTForm("https://www.coinpayments.net/index.php", data);
private static String PreparePOSTForm(string url, NameValueCollection data)
//Set a name for the form
string formID = "PostForm";
//Build the form using the specified data to be posted.
StringBuilder strForm = new StringBuilder();
strForm.Append("<form id=\"" + formID + "\" name=\"" +
formID + "\" action=\"" + url +
"\" method=\"POST\">");
foreach (string key in data)
strForm.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + key +
"\" value=\"" + data[key] + "\">");
//Build the JavaScript which will do the Posting operation.
StringBuilder strScript = new StringBuilder();
strScript.Append("<script language='javascript'>");
strScript.Append("var v" + formID + " = document." +
formID + ";");
strScript.Append("v" + formID + ".submit();");
//Return the form and the script concatenated.
//(The order is important, Form then JavaScript)
return strForm.ToString() + strScript.ToString();