I have created a custom activity that I am using in my workflows. Initially changes that I made were picked up right away. Now for some reason it keeps running with an old version of the DLL. Is this cached somewhere? I have tried the following:

  • update-spsolution -identity copy_special.wsp -literalpath c:\temp\copy_special.wsp -GACDeployment (I think this reboots the app pool in IIS)
  • Manually recycling the app pool in IIS
  • canceling all instances of the workflow on sharepoint, uninstalling the workflow, updating the solution, then installing all over again
  • Deleting cached files for SharePoint Developer on my local machine

I have confirmed that the updated version of the DLL is in the GAC. I'm about to loose it here. Is there something else I should try? Is there a location that this DLL might be cached?


2 回答 2


这些是 2007 版 SharePoint Designer 的步骤,但也许它们与 2010 版相同?

尝试清除安装了 SharePoint Designer 的计算机上的 WebsiteCache:

对于 Windows XP 或 Windows Server 2003:删除 %System Drive%\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\WebSiteCache 中的所有目录和文件

对于 Windows Vista 或 Windows Server 2008:删除 %System Drive%\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebSiteCache 中的所有目录和文件


于 2011-03-02T20:29:06.307 回答

原来这是由用户错误引起的。当我在 VS 2010 中重建我的项目时,我认为它正在更新 WSP。它不是......它只是更新了 DLL。我继续将它重新部署到我的开发环境中,然后抓住了 WSP,它终于更新了。佩贝克!

于 2011-03-03T16:18:39.363 回答