我正在尝试创建一个程序,该程序可以上传多个文件并将它们的名称和 BPM 标签存储到ArrayList
第一个函数采用单个 mp3 文件并将其数据输出到控制台(使用 mp3agic 库):
File file = new File(dataPath("") + "/Song.mp3");
Mp3File mp3file = new Mp3File(file.getPath());
if (mp3file.hasId3v2Tag()) {
ID3v2 id3v2Tag = mp3file.getId3v2Tag();
println("Track: " + id3v2Tag.getTrack());
println("Artist: " + id3v2Tag.getArtist());
println("BPM: " + id3v2Tag.getBPM());
println("Album artist: " + id3v2Tag.getAlbumArtist());
void setup() {
String path = "Desktop/mp3folder";
println("Listing all filenames in a directory: ");
String[] filenames = listFileNames(path);
println("\nListing info about all files in a directory: ");
File[] files = listFiles(path);
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
File f = files[i];
println("Name: " + f.getName());
println("Is directory: " + f.isDirectory())
// This function returns all the files in a directory as an array of Strings
String[] listFileNames(String dir) {
File file = new File(dir);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
String names[] = file.list();
return names;
} else {
// If it's not a directory
return null;
// This function returns all the files in a directory as an array of File objects
// This is useful if you want more info about the file
File[] listFiles(String dir) {
File file = new File(dir);
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = file.listFiles();
return files;
} else {
// If it's not a directory
return null;
我试图创建的功能将两者结合起来。我需要第一个函数中的 Artist、Track 和 BPM 来处理目录中的文件数组列表。