Using R, I'm trying to do a dbRDA on a set of abundance data of 9 species (units cells/mL) over 10 sampling days and I have 8 environmental variables (different units and some missing values). I want a test to show how the environmental variables are influencing the variation between the abundances across the days.
Q: Is a dbRDA the right test? Or maybe a CCA?
Q: How do I know if I should sqrt.dist = TRUE?
Q: What is the difference between using dbrda, cca and capscale?
dismat <- vegdist(Abundance_data, method="bray", binary=FALSE, diag=FALSE,
upper=FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)
vare.cap <- dbrda(dismat~ T + F + S + Chl + Ice + AirT + WD + WS, data=df,
dist = "bray", scale = TRUE, sqrt.dist = TRUE, na.action = na.omit)
anova(vare.cap, by="margin")
anova(vare.cap, by="terms")
Q: What is the difference between margin and terms?