我需要对返回 a<job/>或 an<exception/>且始终返回状态代码的服务进行 Rest POST 200。(蹩脚的第 3 方产品!)。


Job job = getRestTemplate().postForObject(url, postData, Job.class);

我的 applicationContext.xml 看起来像:

<bean id="restTemplate" class="org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate">
    <constructor-arg ref="httpClientFactory"/>

    <property name="messageConverters">
            <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.xml.MarshallingHttpMessageConverter">
                <property name="marshaller" ref="jaxbMarshaller"/>
                <property name="unmarshaller" ref="jaxbMarshaller"/>
            <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter"/>
            <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter"/>

<bean id="jaxbMarshaller" class="org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller">
    <property name="classesToBeBound">


 Failed to convert value of type 'domain.fullspec.Exception' to required type 'domain.fullspec.Job'

在 postForObject() 调用中,我要求一个 Job.class 并且没有得到一个并且它变得不安。


Object o = getRestTemplate().postForObject(url, postData, Object.class);
if (o instanceof Job.class) {
else if (o instanceof Exception.class) {

但这不起作用,因为 JAXB 抱怨它不知道如何编组到 Object.class - 这并不奇怪。

我试图创建 MarshallingHttpMessageConverter 的子类并覆盖 readFromSource()

protected Object readFromSource(Class clazz, HttpHeaders headers, Source source) {

    Object o = null;
    try {
        o = super.readFromSource(clazz, headers, source);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            o = super.readFromSource(MyCustomException.class, headers, source);
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            log.info("Failed readFromSource "+e);

    return o;




更新:我通过获取 inputStream 的副本来实现这一点

protected Object readFromSource(Class<?> clazz, HttpHeaders headers, Source source) {
    InputStream is = ((StreamSource) source).getInputStream();

    // Take a copy of the input stream so we can use it for initial JAXB conversion
    // and if that fails, we can try to convert to Exception
    CopyInputStream copyInputStream = new CopyInputStream(is);

    // input stream in source is empty now, so reset using copy
    ((StreamSource) source).setInputStream(copyInputStream.getCopy());

    Object o = null;
    try {
        o = super.readFromSource(clazz, headers, source);
      // we have failed to unmarshal to 'clazz' - assume it is <exception> and unmarshal to MyCustomException

    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {

            // reset input stream using copy
            ((StreamSource) source).setInputStream(copyInputStream.getCopy());
            o = super.readFromSource(MyCustomException.class, headers, source);

        } catch (IOException e1) {
    return o;


CopyInputStream 取自http://www.velocityreviews.com/forums/t143479-how-to-make-a-copy-of-inputstream-object.html,我将其粘贴在这里。

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

public class CopyInputStream
private InputStream _is;
private ByteArrayOutputStream _copy = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

public CopyInputStream(InputStream is)
    _is = is;

    catch(IOException ex)
        // do nothing

private int copy() throws IOException
    int read = 0;
    int chunk = 0;
    byte[] data = new byte[256];

    while(-1 != (chunk = _is.read(data)))
        read += data.length;
        _copy.write(data, 0, chunk);

    return read;

public InputStream getCopy()
    return (InputStream)new ByteArrayInputStream(_copy.toByteArray());

2 回答 2



我正在使用 RestTemplate 的默认实例,并使用 xjc 生成文件。调用的转换器是 Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter。

事实证明,如果输入类使用 XmlRootElement 注释进行注释,转换器将返回“真实”类型。也就是方法

protected Object readFromSource(Class clazz, HttpHeaders headers, Source source)

假设 clazz 存在 XmlRootElement 注释,则可能返回不是 clazz 实例的 Object。在这种情况下,clazz 仅用于创建将解组 clazz 的解组器。


@XmlSeeAlso({ Exception.class, Job.class })
public static abstract class XmlResponse {}

并将 XmlResponse.class 传递给 postForObject(...),而不是响应将是 Exception 或 Job。

这有点像 hack,但它解决了 postForObject 方法不能返回多个对象类的问题。

于 2014-01-25T17:42:12.133 回答

@Tom:我认为创建自定义 MarshallingHttpMessageConverter 对您没有任何好处。当服务失败时,内置转换器会为您返回正确的类(异常类),但它RestTemplate不知道如何将异常类返回给被调用者,因为您已将响应类型指定为作业类。

我阅读了RestTemplate 源代码,您当前正在调用此 API:-

public <T> T postForObject(URI url, Object request, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException {
    HttpEntityRequestCallback requestCallback = new HttpEntityRequestCallback(request, responseType);
    HttpMessageConverterExtractor<T> responseExtractor =
            new HttpMessageConverterExtractor<T>(responseType, getMessageConverters());
    return execute(url, HttpMethod.POST, requestCallback, responseExtractor);

如您所见,它根据您的响应类型返回类型 T。您可能需要做的是子类化RestTemplate并添加一个postForObject()返回 Object 而不是类型 T 的新 API,以便您可以instanceof对返回的对象执行检查。



这是我的例子......当然,我没有测试这段代码,但它应该给你一个想法: -

// reuse the same marshaller wired in RestTemplate
private Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller;

public Object genericPost(String url) {
    // using Commons HttpClient
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    PostMethod method = new PostMethod(url);

    // add your data here
    method.addParameter("data", "your-data");

    try {
        int returnCode = client.executeMethod(method);

        // status code is 200
        if (returnCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            // using Commons IO to convert inputstream to string
            String xml = IOUtil.toString(method.getResponseBodyAsStream());
            return jaxb2Marshaller.unmarshal(new StreamSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8"))));
        else {
            // handle error
    catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    finally {

    return null;



public interface MyRestTemplateAdapter {
    Object genericPost(String url);

    // same signature from RestTemplate that you want to reuse
    <T> T postForObject(String url, Object request, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables);


public class MyRestTemplateAdapterImpl implements MyRestTemplateAdapter {
    private RestTemplate    restTemplate;

    private Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller;

    public Object genericPost(String url) {
        // code from above

    public <T> T postForObject(String url, Object request, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) {
        return restTemplate.postForObject(url, request, responseType);

我仍然认为这种方法比子类化要干净得多RestTemplate,并且您可以更好地控制如何处理来自 Web 服务调用的结果。

于 2011-03-02T19:15:37.643 回答