- 最初尝试使用 pd.read_sql()。
- 然后我尝试使用 sqlalchemy,查询对象,但是这些方法都没有用,因为 sql 执行了很长时间并且它永远不会结束。
- 我尝试使用提示。
我猜问题如下:Pandas 在后台创建了一个光标对象。使用 cx_Oracle 我们不能影响将使用的“arraysize”参数,即总是使用默认值 100,这太小了。
CODE: import pandas as pd import Configuration.Settings as CS import DataAccess.Databases as SDB import sqlalchemy import cx_Oracle dfs = [] DBM = SDB.Database(CS.DB_PRM,PrintDebugMessages=False,ClientInfo="Loader") sql = ''' WITH l AS ( SELECT DISTINCT /*+ materialize */ hcz.hcz_lwzv_id AS lwzv_id FROM pm_mbt_materialbasictypes mbt INNER JOIN pm_mpt_materialproducttypes mpt ON mpt.mpt_mbt_id = mbt.mbt_id INNER JOIN pm_msl_materialsublots msl ON msl.msl_mpt_id = mpt.mpt_id INNER JOIN pm_historycompattributes hca ON hca.hca_msl_id = msl.msl_id AND hca.hca_ignoreflag = 0 INNER JOIN pm_tpm_testdefprogrammodes tpm ON tpm.tpm_id = hca.hca_tpm_id inner join pm_tin_testdefinsertions tin on tin.tin_id = tpm.tpm_tin_id INNER JOIN pm_hcz_history_comp_zones hcz ON hcz.hcz_hcp_id = hca.hca_hcp_id WHERE mbt.mbt_name = :input1 and tin.tin_name = 'x1' and hca.hca_testendday < '2018-5-31' and hca.hca_testendday > '2018-05-30' ), TPL as ( select /*+ materialize */ * from ( select ut.ut_id, ut.ut_basic_type, ut.ut_insertion, ut.ut_testprogram_name, ut.ut_revision from pm_updated_testprogram ut where ut.ut_basic_type = :input1 and ut.ut_insertion = :input2 order by ut.ut_revision desc ) where rownum = 1 ) SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ rcl.rcl_lotidentifier AS LOT, lwzv.lwzv_wafer_id AS WAFER, pzd.pzd_zone_name AS ZONE, tte.tte_tpm_id||'~'||tte.tte_testnumber||'~'||tte.tte_testname AS Test_Identifier, case when ppd.ppd_measurement_result > 1e15 then NULL else SFROUND(ppd.ppd_measurement_result,6) END AS Test_Results FROM TPL left JOIN pm_pcm_details pcm on pcm.pcm_ut_id = TPL.ut_id left JOIN pm_tin_testdefinsertions tin ON tin.tin_name = TPL.ut_insertion left JOIN pm_tpr_testdefprograms tpr ON tpr.tpr_name = TPL.ut_testprogram_name and tpr.tpr_revision = TPL.ut_revision left JOIN pm_tpm_testdefprogrammodes tpm ON tpm.tpm_tpr_id = tpr.tpr_id and tpm.tpm_tin_id = tin.tin_id left JOIN pm_tte_testdeftests tte on tte.tte_tpm_id = tpm.tpm_id and tte.tte_testnumber = pcm.pcm_testnumber cross join l left JOIN pm_lwzv_info lwzv ON lwzv.lwzv_id = l.lwzv_id left JOIN pm_rcl_resultschipidlots rcl ON rcl.rcl_id = lwzv.lwzv_rcl_id left JOIN pm_pcm_zone_def pzd ON pzd.pzd_basic_type = TPL.ut_basic_type and pzd.pzd_pcm_x = lwzv.lwzv_pcm_x and pzd.pzd_pcm_y = lwzv.lwzv_pcm_y left JOIN pm_pcm_par_data ppd ON ppd.ppd_lwzv_id = l.lwzv_id and ppd.ppd_tte_id = tte.tte_id ''' #method1: using query objects. Q = DBM.getQueryObject(sql) Q.execute({"input1":'xxxx',"input2":'yyyy'}) while not Q.AtEndOfResultset: print Q #method2: using sqlalchemy connectstring = "oracle+cx_oracle://username:Password@(description= (address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=tnsconnect string) (port=pertnumber)))(connect_data=(sid=xxxx)))" engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connectstring, arraysize=10000) df_p = pd.read_sql(sql, params= {"input1":'xxxx',"input2":'yyyy'}, con=engine) #method3: using pd.read_sql() df_p = pd.read_sql_query(SQL_PCM, params= {"input1":'xxxx',"input2":'yyyy'}, coerce_float=True, con= DBM.Connection)