我有一个问题,每次系统从服务更新时,新项目都会放在回收商所在的项目之前。这意味着它将始终处于“结束”状态。我正在使用 PagedList.BoundaryCallback 库,我不知道如何解决这个问题。
这是我的 RepoBoundaryCalback
class RepoBoundaryCallback(private val day:String,
private val service: PHService,
private val cache:PHLocalCache) : PagedList.BoundaryCallback<Post>() {
// keep the last requested page.
// When the request is successful, increment the page number.
private var lastRequestedPage = 1
private val _networkErrors = MutableLiveData<String>()
// LiveData of network errors.
val networkErrors: LiveData<String>
get() = _networkErrors
// avoid triggering multiple requests in the same time
private var isRequestInProgress = false
* This method is called at the very beggining
override fun onZeroItemsLoaded() {
* This method will tell when the user reached the end of the recycler view
override fun onItemAtEndLoaded(itemAtEnd: Post) {
//TODO resolver este bug
//ele aqui sabe que chegou ao fim , o problema desta API é que nao dá o total de páginas
// e quando ultrapassa as paginas que deve ela dá dados repetidos
// como o onConflit está replace ele está sempre a substituir os items e sempre a actualizar
* Requests data from the API and increment the page in case of success
* Save the fetched data into the database to allow offline usage
private fun requestAndSaveData(){
//TODO ao atingir o total de páginas o isRequestInProgress estará a null(o problema de estar sempre a actualizar vem daqui)
if (isRequestInProgress) return
isRequestInProgress = true
getPosts(service,day,lastRequestedPage,BuildConfig.API_KEY, NETWORK_PAGE_SIZE,{ repos ->
isRequestInProgress = false
},{error ->
isRequestInProgress = false
* static block to have the page size to the network calls
companion object {
private const val NETWORK_PAGE_SIZE = 10
这是我的 PostDao,因为我认为物品的订单应该修复它
interface PostDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM product_post ORDER BY votesCount DESC, productName ASC")
fun loadPosts() : DataSource.Factory<Int,Post>
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insertAll(message: List<Post>)
class PHRepository (private val service:PHService,
private val cache: PHLocalCache) {
* Search repositories whose names match the query.
fun search(day: String): PostResult {
// Get data source factory from the local cache
val dataSourceFactory = cache.loadPosts(day)
// Construct the boundary callback
val boundaryCallback = RepoBoundaryCallback(day, service,cache)
val networkErrors = boundaryCallback.networkErrors
// Get the paged list
val data = LivePagedListBuilder(dataSourceFactory, DATABASE_PAGE_SIZE)
// Get the network errors exposed by the boundary callback
return PostResult(data)
companion object {
private const val DATABASE_PAGE_SIZE = 20
class PostsViewModel @Inject constructor(private val phRepository: PHRepository) : ViewModel() {
companion object {
private const val VISIBLE_THRESHOLD = 5
private val queryLiveData = MutableLiveData<String>()
private val repoResult: LiveData<PostResult> = Transformations.map(queryLiveData, {
val repos: LiveData<PagedList<Post>> = Transformations.switchMap(repoResult,
{ it -> it.data })
* Search a repository based on a query string.
fun searchRepo(queryString: String) {
* Get the last query value.
fun lastQueryValue(): String? = queryLiveData.value
class PostFragment : BaseFragment<FragmentPostsBinding, PostsViewModel>() {
companion object {
fun newInstance() = PostFragment()
private lateinit var viewModelFrag :PostsViewModel //TODO nao foi inicializado
private val adapter = PostAdapter()
override fun layoutToInflate(): Int = R.layout.fragment_posts
override fun defineViewModel(): PostsViewModel {
// get the view model
viewModelFrag = ViewModelProviders.of(this, Injection.provideViewModelFactory(context))
return viewModelFrag
override fun doOnCreated() {
private fun initAdapter() {
dataBinding.rclChatContent.adapter = adapter
viewModelFrag.repos.observe(this, Observer<PagedList<Post>> {
Log.d("Activity", "list: ${it?.size}")
dataBinding.rclChatContent.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
object : TouchListener {
override fun onTouch(view: View?, position: Int?) {
val item = adapter.retrieveItem(position?:return)
Toast.makeText(context, "Clicou em" + item?.productName , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
override fun onLongTouch(view: View?, position: Int?) {
val item = adapter.retrieveItem(position?:return)
Toast.makeText(context, "Clicou longo em" + item?.productName, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
private fun retrieveData() {