下面的代码用于 Adobe Reader 中的自定义图章。此代码适用于邮票表中的一行 3 个文本字段。
它的作用:在放置印章时要求用户在 javascript 窗口中输入。提交后,自定义图章表格中的文本字段将填入输入内容。
问题:它在 Adobe Acrobat Pro XI 中适用于所有 3 个字段。但除了 Adobe Reader DC 中的第一个字段外,它无法用于任何其他领域。导致其他 2 个字段为空白。
据我所知(PDF JavaScript 在 Adobe Reader DC 但所有其他 Reader 中不起作用)新的 Adobe Reader DC 对 javascript 语法非常严格。
var dialog = {
noz8Value: "",
fa8Value: "",
fl8Value: "",
commit:function (dialog) { // called when OK pressed
var results = dialog.store();
this.noz8Value = results["txt1"];
this.fa8Value = results["txt2"];
this.fl8Value = results["txt3"];
name: "8 Nozzle Load", // Dialog box title
type: "view",
name: "1st Nozzle ID: ",
type: "static_text",
item_id: "txt1",
type: "edit_text",
width: 300,
height: 30
name: "Fa (kN): ",
type: "static_text",
item_id: "txt2",
type: "edit_text",
width: 300,
height: 30
name: "Fl (kN): ",
type: "static_text",
item_id: "txt3",
type: "edit_text",
width: 300,
height: 30
// THIS PART HERE (below)
//Line below Runs dialog function (prompt window) if stamp is placed down
if(event.source.forReal && (event.source.stampName == "#nozzle"))
if ("ok" == app.execDialog(dialog))
var cMsg = dialog.noz8Value;
event.value = "\n" + cMsg;
event.source.source.info.noz = cMsg;
var cMsg2 = dialog.fa8Value;
this.getField("fa8Field").value = cMsg2;
var cMsg3 = dialog.fl8Value;
var test1 = this.getField("fl8Field");
test1.value= cMsg3
// Above I tried 3 different ways of linking the user input as the field's `value.`