
        defaultView: 'agendaDay',
        minTime: '#{@timing_slots[:start_time]}',
        maxTime: '#{@timing_slots[:end_time]}',
        slotDuration: '00:45:00',
        //themeSystem: 'bootstrap',

        height: 820,

        defaultDate: date,
        editable: false,
        selectable: true,
        eventLimit: true, // allow "more" link when too many events
        header: {
            left: 'prev,next today',
            center: 'title',
            right: 'agendaDay,agendaWeek,month'
        views: {
            agendaDay: {
                type: 'agenda',
                duration: {days: 1},

                // views that are more than a day will NOT do this behavior by default
                // so, we need to explicitly enable it
                groupByResource: true

                //// uncomment this line to group by day FIRST with resources underneath
                //groupByDateAndResource: true
            day: {
                titleFormat: 'dddd, MMMM Do YYYY',


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