我正在将文本模式扫描仪从 Python3 转换为 Go1.10,但令我惊讶的是它实际上慢了 2 倍。分析后,罪魁祸首在strings.Contains(). 请参阅下面的简单基准。我错过了什么吗?您能否推荐一种更快的 Go 模式搜索算法,在这种情况下性能会更好?我不关心启动时间,相同的模式将用于扫描数百万个文件。

Py3 基准测试:

import time
import re

RUNS = 10000

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open('data.php') as fh:
        testString = fh.read()

    def do():
        return "576ad4f370014dfb1d0f17b0e6855f22" in testString

    start = time.time()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        _ = do()
    duration = time.time() - start
    print("Python: %.2fs" % duration)

Go1.10 基准测试:

package main

import (

const (
    runs = 10000

func main() {
    fname := "data.php"
    testdata := readFile(fname)
    needle := "576ad4f370014dfb1d0f17b0e6855f22"
    start := time.Now()

    for i := 0; i < runs; i++ {
        _ = strings.Contains(testdata, needle)

    duration := time.Now().Sub(start)
    fmt.Printf("Go: %.2fs\n", duration.Seconds())

func readFile(fname string) string {
    data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fname)
    if err != nil {
    return string(data)

data.php是一个 528KB 的文件,可以在这里找到


Go:     1.98s
Python: 0.84s

2 回答 2


为什么 Python 3 (24.79s) 比 Go (5.47s) 慢 4.5 倍?你得到什么结果?


$ cat contains.py
import time
import re

RUNS = 10000

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare
    # http://www.gutenberg.org/files/100/100-0.txt
    file = '/home/peter/shakespeare.100-0.txt' # 'data.php'
    with open(file) as fh:
        testString = fh.read()

    def do():
        return "Means to immure herself and not be seen." in testString

    start = time.time()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        _ = do()
    duration = time.time() - start
    print("Python: %.2fs" % duration)
$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.5
$ python3 contains.py
Python: 24.79s

$ cat contains.go
package main

import (

const (
    runs = 10000

func main() {
    // The Complete Works of William Shakespeare by William Shakespeare
    // http://www.gutenberg.org/files/100/100-0.txt
    fname := `/home/peter/shakespeare.100-0.txt` // "data.php"
    testdata := readFile(fname)
    needle := "Means to immure herself and not be seen."
    start := time.Now()

    for i := 0; i < runs; i++ {
        _ = strings.Contains(testdata, needle)

    duration := time.Now().Sub(start)
    fmt.Printf("Go: %.2fs\n", duration.Seconds())

    fmt.Println(strings.Contains(testdata, needle))
    fmt.Println(strings.Index(testdata, needle))


func readFile(fname string) string {
    data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fname)
    if err != nil {
    return string(data)
$ go version
go version devel +5332b5e75a Tue Jul 31 15:44:37 2018 +0000 linux/amd64
$ go run contains.go
Go: 5.47s
于 2018-07-31T18:39:07.417 回答



BenchmarkStringsContains-4         10000        208055 ns/op
BenchmarkBMSSearch-4                1000       1856732 ns/op
BenchmarkPaddieKMP-4                2000       1069495 ns/op
BenchmarkKkdaiKMP-4                 1000       1440147 ns/op
BenchmarkAhocorasick-4              2000        935885 ns/op
BenchmarkYara-4                     1000       1237887 ns/op

strings.Contains然后,我针对本机 ( and regexp) 和基于 C 的 Yara 实现,针对 500KB 不匹配文件测试了大约 1100 个签名(100 个正则表达式,1000 个文字)的实际用例:

BenchmarkScanNative-4              2     824328504 ns/op
BenchmarkScanYara-4              300       5338861 ns/op

尽管 Go 中的 C 调用被认为是昂贵的,但在这些“繁重”的操作中,利润是显着的。侧面观察:Yara 匹配 1100 个签名而不是 1 个签名只需要 5 倍的 CPU 时间。

于 2018-08-04T19:47:29.897 回答