import operator
def get_filter(key, op=None, comp=None, inverse=False):
# This will invert the boolean returned by the function 'op' if 'inverse == True'
result = lambda x: not x if inverse else x
if op is None:
# Without any function, just see if the key is in the dictionary
return lambda d: result(key in d)
if comp is None:
# If 'comp' is None, assume the function takes one argument
return lambda d: result(op(d[key])) if key in d else False
# Use 'comp' as the second argument to the function provided
return lambda d: result(op(d[key], comp)) if key in d else False
people = [{'age': 16, 'name': 'Joe'}, {'name': 'Jane', 'favourite_color': 'red'}]
print filter(get_filter("age", operator.gt, 15), people)
# [{'age': 16, 'name': 'Joe'}]
print filter(get_filter("name", operator.eq, "Jane"), people)
# [{'name': 'Jane', 'favourite_color': 'red'}]
print filter(get_filter("favourite_color", inverse=True), people)
# [{'age': 16, 'name': 'Joe'}]
p = re.compile("[aeiou]{2}") # matches two lowercase vowels in a row
print filter(get_filter("name", p.search), people)
# [{'age': 16, 'name': 'Joe'}]